Tours and Car Crashes

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-Luke's POV-

The day came quicker than what I expected

The day before tour

I gathered every bit of courage I had and made my way to Y/N's house

You've probably guess what's about to happen

I knocked on the door and waited

She opened the door and smiled

"Oh hi Luke. What's up?" She smiled

"I wanted to know if you would like to hang out at the park... You know, before I leave for tour and all"

She thought for a moment "okay" she grabbed a jacket and walked out.

Once we got to the park Ashton and Michael were there sitting on the bench

I smiled, as my plan fell into place.

Y/N looked confused. She turned to face me, then turned back towards the guys

"What?" She asked. As all three of us were smiling like maniacs

"Wanna go on tour with us?" I grabbed her hands

She froze "oh... Um... I'd love too! But I feel like that would just make things weird..."

"You can just ignore Calum if he starts bothering you!"

"No... Luke it's not that... I just... Need some time to think about what I want... I didn't want to say this as soon as I did but--" she paused as she collected her thoughts

"Please don't hate me" a tear strolled down her cheek

Michael and Ashton have already stood up and walked away at this point

I pulled her into a hug

"I could never hate you even if I tried..." I sighed

"But if you just go and hook up with Calum tomorrow I'm gunna freak out" I attempted to lighten the mood

She laughed softly through her tears

"Don't worry. It's gunna take some time... And I'm by even sure if I want Calum. Sure he's pretty cool but he's a little pushy and stubborn"

Now it was my turn to laugh "got that right"

So my attempt to get her to come on tour has failed. Looks like we'll be traveling alone again

Well not technically alone. We still have the body guards and managers and what not.

Michael and Ashton came back over with panic spread across their faces

"What's wrong?" I asked and released Y/N from the hug

"Y/N! Your mom-" Michael stopped to catch his breath

As he was running faster than I'd seen him move in awhile

"I saw her car- she made a sharp turn- and" Ashton panted

"CRASH!" Michael yelled finishing Ashton's sentence

She started to panic "where?! She shouldn't have been home yet! Why on earth-- are you sure it was her car?" She asked

"It had the same bumper stickers, so it had to be your moms car" Ashton said as he finally caught his breath

"Show me!" She demanded

Michael stood up straight and lead the way

We got to wherever out destination was and sure enough to saw her car rammed into a lamp post

Y/N and I rushed over to the door and pried it open

Only to reveal a man who looked to be in his mid 30's

"The hell?" Y/N's eyebrows furrowed

-Y/N's POV-

I looked in and saw a man knocked out cold with his face on the stealing wheel

Michael on his phone, probably calling 911

I was relived when I see my mother was not in the car

I pulled out my phone and called her

"Hello?" She answered

"Mom where are you?"

"I'm at work sweet pea. I can't talk"

"It's about your car!"

"my car is in the parking lot" she stated cluelessly

"No it's crashed into a lamp post!" I corrected

"Oh that's right! I let Mr.Skinlerd borrow the car-- wait did you say crashed?" She asked, suddenly panicking as well


After telling her about it she hung up and the ambulances got here quick, along with a few police cars and a firetruck.

They searched the car and found a bottle of vodka in the front cup holder.

This man was drinking and driving!

I facepalmed at how stupid society has gotten

Michael shook his head in disapproval and Ashton stood there with his arms crossed

I didn't look at Luke. I just couldn't look at Luke, even as this "Mr.Skinlerd" was getting put into an ambulance and rushed away

We started walking back to my house. Completely forgetting my mom was on her way over

She had to walk after all, her car was just totaled.


So I just realized that I haven't really been bringing social media into this book. Like hardly at all... So yeah this story isn't the best...
But it's ending soon so yeah...

Love ya'll xoxo ~Halle

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