Lunch With the "it" girl

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"Yea they both were totally falling for me" Lilly giggled as she took a bite of her salad

"Well, I can imagine!" I took a drink of my (Fav Drink)

My phone started buzzing

M: what's she saying?

I sighed "one second please" she nodded and I texted him back

Y: talking about how much of a jerk you are, now mind your own business!
M: really? :(
Y: no not really! Now leave me alone!

I turned off my phone and sighed once again "Michael is definitely not over you" I groaned massaging my temple

Her face dropped then she smiled, then her face dropped again

"Okay..." She said lifelessly

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!"

"No no its fine" I could tell she was faking a smile

"No, you're not. I'm sorry for bringing it up, I wasn't thinking"

"Just forget it" she dropped her fake smile and continued eating

"All right" I nodded and ate my food

Moments later she stood up "my lunch break is over I'll see you later" she started to walk off

"Wait!" I scribbled some stuff on a napkin and handed her it

"What's this for?" She asked

"In case you ever need someone to talk to" I smiled

"Okay thanks" she actually smiled this time, and walked off back to the music store

I went back to the table to grab my phone and stuff

My phone blowing up just not with messages. Twitter notifications.

"Who was that groupie with the guys about a month ago?"
"I think she was with Mikey"
"Yea definitely with Mikey"
"She walked in with him and left with him"
"I saw them at the carnival and she walked off with Calum"
"Do you think they're passing her around?!"
"What a lucky job"

I scoffed reading the conversation

It was funny that it was all the people I had the notifications on for

I gotta keep up with what Mikey is doing, it was a request from his parents when I first moved here

-Flash back-

I had just got off of the plane and Mr and Mrs Clifford were picking my mom and I up and taking us to our new house

"Y/N!" Karen (Michael mom) yelled

"Hi -- aunt Karen?"  I said slightly confused still trying to memorize the names

"You got it right" she smiled

She was my moms sister on my grandfathers side, he cheated on my grandma and then bam my mom happened with the girl he cheated with

"Sorry this is just new for me" I laughed slightly

I was referring to the strong accents from everyone but she thought it was just the fact we left the US And are now in completely different environment

"Oh its fine you'll get used to it but the giant spiders not everyone gets used to" she laughed

I stood silently 'giant spiders?' I thought to myself

"lets get going, we can't leave Michael in the car forever"  Daryl sighed

'Isn't he like 19?' I thought, once again to myself 

 'Hey Y/N" Karen stopped me and pulled me aside

"can you help keep an eye on Michael? one day we're not gonna be here to keep him out of trouble, and I just want to make sure he's in good hands" she smiled placing a hand on my shoulder

" Of course!" I smiled back and we continued walking behind my mom and Daryl

-end of flash back- 

I walked back inside with my newly bought BVB shirt from Hot Topic draped over my arm

nobody was home so I texted Michael

Y: I'm back

M: one minute on the phone

Y: alright

I sighed and texted Luke

Y: hey Luke!

L: hiya!

Y: whats new?

L: Nothing much. how'd lunch go?

Y: not to great... but I don't wanna talk about it

L: oh sorry to hear that... :-(

Y: its okay because I managed to give Michaels number to Lilly. lol

L: yeah they're on the phone now

Y: how funny! 

L: its late you should get some sleep xoxo :-*

Y: uuuhhg fine 

L: goodnight

I turned off my phone feeling acomplished as I plopped onto the couch and turned on the tv slowly drifting off to sleep


Heya guys! this chapter is quite small I know but its Saturday and I have church in the morning so I can't stay up till three AM writing and editing, sorry :( 

Love ya'll! xoxo ~Halle

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