Being helpful

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A/N, hey guys! So this chapter will be longer than my other chapters. Just saying sorry once again for the short chapters, my schedule is CrAzY! But thanks for sticking with me.


A bright sunshiney day, darnit. I cant sleep in. I rolled out of bed and texted Michael.

Y: I hate mornings
M: me too, i've been up for hours trying to get the birds to shut up.
Y: that sucks, I just woke up.
M: I cant hang out today, the guys and I are preforming in Sydney
Y: cool
M: wanna come?
Y: sure!
M: k I'll pick you up in ten, be ready
Y: okie dokie!

I turned my phone off and got dressed "I hope its not as awkward as it was yesterday..." I thought to myself and brushed my hair.

I heard a car honk out front and went outside to be greeted by Michael, sure enough it was Michael, but not just him, there were three other guys in the car with him. I immediately recognized these guys to be his band mates

"hi..." I said shyly and opened the car door. Michael was driving and Ashton was in the passenger seat next to him, meaning I was stuck in the back.

"Hi Y/N" Ashton greeted "I called shotgun" he smiled

"okay thats cool" I climbed into the back middle seat in between Calum and Luke

"hi Luke, hi Calum" I said as I clicked my buckle in place

"hello Y/N" Luke smiled as he shifted slightly trying to give me room to get comfortable

"hi" Calum mumbled not making eye contact

"dont mind him he's just shy" Luke laughed

"its okay, no problem, I'm kinda shy too I guess" I shrugged.

After awhile in the car Calum finally spoke up

"so you're Michael's cousin?" He asked

"well, we're distant cousins, I lived in America for awhile and then my mom decided it was time to get away from the stupid american politics and stuff, I've been living here for awhile now, my mom works late alot and she goes to work early in the morning, meaning, I have the house to myself, and it gets quite lonely, so I hang out at Michael's place most the time. For "distant cousins" we're pretty close" I laughed

"Thats cool" he smiled softly

"yea she's pretty good at COD" Michael chimed in

"well Im not that good" I scrunched up my nose

"sure sure" Michael laughed

"so do you like penguins?" Luke asked

"yea, they're pretty awesome" I got my phone out and showed him my lock screen that had a cute cartoon penguin on it

"so cute!" Luke laughed

After about another ten minutes in the car we finally pulled up at the Sydney stadium

"pile out!" Michael yelled as we all got out of the car and black van parked next to us, now that I think about it, this van has been following us around the entire time, I was beginning to get scared.

The guys opened the sliding van door revealing their guitars and Ashton's drum cases.

I decided to help out and grabbed a few of the drum cases

"thanks" Ashton smiled and grabbed the rest of them.

We got inside and I set the cases down as Ashton assembled his drum set.

"Need any more help?" I asked making sure I wasn't being rude

"nope I got it from here, thanks though" he answered and I nodded and walked off.

I sat down and watched as the other three tuned their guitars

"once we have everything set up we can go get some pizza" Michael said trying to keep me up to date with whats going on

"pizza for breakfast, sounds great" I giggled

"pizza for every meal!" Luke said while playing a guitar riff that sounds like it belongs in a screamo song, this made me laugh even harder.

And then, the vent came on, cold air rushed through the room and I shivered, seeing as I was in a tank top and shorts, I got up and moved as far away from the vent as possible

"dang the AC means business!" I complained jokingly

"I can have them turn it off" Calum suggested

"no its fine, the cold air just drives me nuts"

After tuning and setting up we all piled back up into the car and set out for pizza.

"But seriously! Hows can you not like ducks?!" I yelled at Ashton

"I dont know I just dont like ducks! Change the subject!" He demanded as the car fell silent

"oh my god! Its a carnival!!" I yelled and leaned over pointing out the window at tents and bunches of people

"detour!" Michael yelled and took the exit to get to the carnival.

Tough Choices (Calum x Reader x Luke)Where stories live. Discover now