So Great To See You Again

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-Y/N's POV-

They're coming home today. I thinks I've made up my mind about who I'm going to choose.

I got in the cab thinking over everything for the millionth time

"Where too?" Asked the cab driver

"The airport please!" I smiled

He started driving towards the airport and I laid back in my chair.

The car ride was the longest car ride I've ever been through. Or at least that's what it felt like.

Lilly was there with me and we talked a little bit but she fell asleep half way through the trip

It was just me, the cranky cab driver and my thoughts.

We finally got there and I nudged Lilly, instantly waking her up

"Huh what?" She asked tiredly

"We're here"

"Get out of my cab" the driver snapped

"Fine!" I snapped back. Let's just say I did not give him a tip. We that was all I could do without getting in trouble with the police.

We walked inside the airport and looked around

Sure enough we were easily able to find which gate they were at. It was the one with all the girls wearing 5sos band merch, duh.

We walked over and instantly four of them ran up to us squealing

"Your Lilly and Y/N! Oh my gosh you girls are our idols!" One squeaked as the others literally couldn't hold still as they were hopping from one foot to the other

"Oh I certainly don't want anyone idolizing me!" Lilly protested modestly

I just giggled

"You're Michael's girlfriend! Get used to it!" Another one said

"So speaking of girlfriend~ what's it like to cuddle with Michael?! Is he a good kisser?! How big is he?"

Lilly gasped at the last question

"Um he's a very protective cuddler, he likes to absorb me in his cuddles... Yes he's a very good kisser... And I'm not answering that last one"

The girls awe'd disappointedly but then smiled at the decent bit of info they got

"Now what about you?" The one that had be quiet his whole time looked at me

"What's Luke like?"

I sighed "he's really great... He's more of a spooner than a cuddler. If those are different. But he's a big spoon for sure" I smiled remembering the night he held me so close. The night of the storm.

"He's an okay kisser. Not the best but not the worst" I shrugged and giggled to myself

The girls all looked at their phones. Probably tweeting and taking notes.

"Can you get the guys to follow our twitters?!" The first one cheered happily

All the other girls from the crowd looked up with hopeful eyes

"No no no!" Lilly protested

They all went back to what they were doing

Then Lilly gestures for the four girls to come closer

"Just you four okay?"

They all nodded and quietly fangirled

Then the plane pulled up near the window and all the girls screamed with excitement

The four we were talking to disappearing into the crowd.

It took forever for all of them to get off the plane. And then out came the group of guys everyone was obsessing over

Immediately Michael ran to Lilly and picked her up in a big bear hug

"I missed you so much!" He yelled

Meanwhile I was just making eye contact with Luke... Straight faces. No smiles, no goofy roll of the eyes. Just plain, bland faces.

Calum walked up to me and hugged me

"God I missed your hugs" he mumbled into my hair

Ashton was meeting fans. It was all he could do. Luke met a few of them but couldn't concentrate on one task, his eyes kept wandering towards me.

Finally he walked up to me and hugged me

"It's so great to see you again" and smiled

"Yeah" I said quietly

He let go and we all made our way out of the airport

Ashton called an Uber and we all got in the black van.

"Listen, Y/N, I know this has been hard on you... And I know I haven't exactly made it any easier but I just want you to know that I will always love you even if you don't choose me" Luke sighed, forcing a smile and placing his hands on mine

'Woah that was a first, did he just say he loves me?' I thought to myself

I smiled softly and nodded, not knowing what to say.

Calum looked at me with those beautiful brown puppy eyes off his.

And I knew in that Uber car. Just who I was going to choose.


Holy fudge it's ending already?! WHAT?! Ashton never got a girlfriend though :(
Funny story I was thinking of making him gay and hooking him up with Johnnie XD but Johnnie never appeared again so meh. Whateves

Also, THERES A CHANCE MY BF MIGHT HAVE A WATTPAD?!! He said he wrote stuff and I saw him typing away on the bus and I'm like "whatcha doin?" And he's like "writing" and I'm like "YOURE A WRITER?!" And he turned his phone off and sat on it

So he's hiding something from me >~< but I trust him so meh

Anyways the endings coming up! BE PREPARED!

Tough Choices (Calum x Reader x Luke)Where stories live. Discover now