Lets Talk About A Breakup?

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A few days later I woke up to a phone call

I answered "hello?" I said, confused and tired

"Four days"

I sat up all scared as shiz

"haha just kidding its me Calum!"

I sighed in relief "well I'm awake. What do you want?" I asked. Suddenly getting awkward

"I want you to break up with Luke" Calum said. I could hear the serious face he had
(SHES A JEDI. Jk jk)

"Wh-what?" I stuttered

"You heard me"

"Calum I can't just dump Luke!"

"Sure you can. Just walk up to him and say 'Luke we're done Im with Calum now' and walk off and we can cuddle"

It was painful how serious he was.

"Look Calum, you're a great guy but I'm with Luke and I'm happy with Luke"

"Then why did you kiss back?"

I cringed at the thought of a few nights ago at the party.

"Because I was drunk" I protested.

"And alcohol brings out the truth. So obviously you want to be with me"

"No. I mean- Yes. But I'm with Luke"

"So you do want to be with me!"

"N-no!-- kind of..."

"So I just have to break you and Luke up?"

"Calum don't you dare! I'm happy and if you really liked me you'd just want me to be happy!" I yelled into the phone

"But I want you to be with me... Not Luke..." His tone changed from serious to depressed

I felt really bad but I couldn't back down just yet.

"I'll see you later Calum... Bye." I hung up and plopped back into my pillow letting the blanket fall over the back of my head

I got back up after screaming into my pillow for a few minutes and got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower

After my morning routine of brushing, showering, and eating. I headed to Michael for our COD rematch

Yesterday we tied but it was too late to play another round, so he demanded a rematch "on the marrow as the early bird feeds her baby birds!" Which is what he yells when referencing to when he wakes up.

Cause like, the early bird gets the worm but Michael's not an early bird so the bird has to fly all the way back to the nest and doesn't get there until about lunch, unless the nest is close but in this case it's not.

I knocked on the door and Karen answered "hey Y/N! How's my favorite niece?" She smiled and hugged me

"Doing great! Is Michael home?" I hugged back then let go as she let me inside

"No he left with Luke and Ashton to go somewhere. Didn't tell me where, but told me to tell you that he would be back later and not to wait up" she shrugged

I furrowed my eyebrows. Michael always tells me everything directly. Not threw a personal assistant, or in this case a mother.

"Oh. Alright. Do you need any help around the house?" I asked, referencing to the large pile of pizza boxes on the counters

"Oh no no! I was just about to start cleaning up when you got here. You hurry home and tell your mom I said hi" she basically pushed my out of the door, only in that nice 'shoo shoo' kinda way

Tough Choices (Calum x Reader x Luke)Where stories live. Discover now