Chapter 27

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Btw I love Meghan Trainor!

"Laila wake up!" I felt someone push me making me swing. I open my eyes to see Alec with a straight face. Who pissed him off?

"Inside," he pointed out the window. I followed his direction to see my house.

"Alec I-"

"I'm not fucking playing! I know you better than this! Why're acting like that towards your mom? She's the only one you have, Laila! Why all of a sudden you're acting like a bitch to her?"

"Did you just call me a bitch?" I rolled my neck.

"I'm being serious!" He yelled.

"Me too!" I yelled back. I sighed and looked away.
"Deep deep down I don't want her to have another man around," I confessed.

"Why?" He questioned. I don't know what his face is looking like because I'm avoiding his stare. The only person I ever told my sexual abuse story to is my therapist is Georgia and recently my mom.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "It was about a year ago...."

I told my story to Alec with my eyes closed and when I was done he didn't say anything. I got scared that he'd judge me so much that he would want to even talk to me. I had to open my eyes. When I did, his were closed, tightly.

"Alec, please say something," my voice cracked and I started crying.

"I can't imagine someone doing that to you, or anyone in that matter!" He slammed his hand on the dashboard and took a deep breath.

"You need to go apologize to your mom! She didn't know, it's not her fault, baby. She loves you and to be honest, she probably didn't tell you about Mr. Billionaire because she knew how you'd react. Go make things right between you guys, and be that Laila and Angela that I met five months ago," Alec kissed my cheek and unlocked the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked as I got out of his vehicle. He nodded and winked.

"Thank you, Alec. I uh- I -uh,"

"I uh you too," he laughed and I rolled my eyes jokingly. I closed his door and went into my yard and knocked on the front door.

Mr. Billionaire answered and he smiled. "She's been freaking out about you since you left the hospital," his hard accent made me want to laugh.

"Thank you," I hugged him and ran upstairs to my moms room.

"Mom...." I opened her room door and she was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Why do you hate me?" She asked for the second time in two days and I have an answer.

"I don't hate you I swear!" I then went on to tell her everything I told Alec. "I'm really sorry," she got up from the bed and pulled me into a hug that made me melt.

"I'm sorry for slapping you, I'm sorry for hiding Gio from you and I'm sorry for not being there," she said in my hair. "But I still hate this pink hair,"

I laughed. "Whatever Bonnie!"

"Whatever Clyde," she joined me in my foolishness. The thing about my mom and I is all we have to do is talk it out and we're back to being the mother/daughter duo people dream about.

"You're still my best friend!" I said and started singing that vine and she started twerking.

"You're gonna have to show me how you learned that," Giovanni said from the door way and I laughed.

"Ew! Bye nasties!" I left the room for them and headed to Zach's room.

"What're you doing?" I asked and sat on his bed.

"Watching Rug Rat's. Go shower and then we'll watch a movie," he demanded me. My little baby is growing up.

"How about we both get ready and I'll take you to the movies!" I offered and he agreed to it. I haven't spent time with him in a long time.

I went downstairs to tell Emily the plan and she started getting ready.


"That movie was so awesome!" Zach yelled as we left the theatre. We saw Ant Man and that was the best movie I've seen in months.

"It was huh?" My mom said and ruffled his curly Afro. My mom and Gio decided to join us at the theatre, we made it a family thing.

"I haven't been to an actual theatre in years," Giovanni said.

"Me either, I just went downstairs to our family theatre, I'm glad I've been to one." Emily confessed and I hugged her side ways.

"I love you guys and Giovanni, if you love my mom and she loves you then I think I have to love you by default," I joked and we all laughed.

"Kinda cool having a rich step dad," Zach smiled at the thought.

"Daddy's rich," I pointed out.

"Dad isn't a billionaire who's family invented Nutella!" Zach shot back.

"Touché" I pointed at him and we all laughed.

"Guys don't think of me as a billionaire, just a man who loves your mother," Giovanni smiled at us.

"Of course not! I'm just going to introduce you to my friends as the maker of Nutella," I joked and laughed.

"Good one," Giovanni laughed with me. We finally reached Giovanni's Bentley.

"No but seriously can I get free Nutella?" I asked him as he started up the car and drove off.

"I'll give you free Nutella on your birthday, deal?"

"Deal," I smiled at him. I guess he's not so bad.

The apology was coming but later on in the book. BUT yall was attacking my ass last chapter about Laila 😂😂😂. Yall can't say you never wanted to talk to your mom like this 😂 but our moms would strangle us.

But here's the chapter and idk about you guys but Alec's aggressiveness was kinda sexy 🙈😏 lol.

Giovanni isn't so bad looking is he? The story of how Angela and Gio met is coming soon!

Love you guys! You guts are really the best! And yall crack me up in the comment sections! 💀😂

I'm going to start doing shout outs so if you want a shout out just comment on this thread!

Oh! And I'm adding a temporary but she's going to be a long term character. I've never done the whole "make one of the readers a character" thing but I wanna try it now.

So comment or DM:

1) Characters name (please let it be unique but not too ghetto (like bombaquisha))

2) skin tone

3) celebrity that you think would be good playing you or!

4) a picture of yourself if you're comfortable doing that

5) where you're from

The rest I have set out. I already know the characters storyline and who she's going to...... Let me stop revealing shit! Lol

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