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Hey Everyone!! Here's a preview of my new Jonnor story titled: Forever and Always. Check it out on my page :)

Telling Them.

Connor's P.O.V

Connor: Hey!! So, I told my mom. About you... and us.

Jude: Yay!!! is she okay? like w/ us?

Connor: Yep :)

Jude: more like ur gunna tell the devil...

Connor: No kidding. I dnt think he'll be ok w/ it.

Jude: :( Good Luck!!

Connor: thx g2g ttyl

Jude: bye!

"Connor i'm home!" Adam yelled from downstairs.

"K dad!" I plugged in my phone, and then went downstairs to see my dad drinking a coffee and scanning through the paper.

"I got a call from coach, earlier...." Adam said.

"Soccer or baseball?" I asked

"Soccer. There's a team dinner on friday."

I sighed. "I hate team dinners! Do I have to go??"

"Yes, you do. You are part of the team you have to go. End of discussion." He replied, getting up and moving into the living room.

"Uh, dad..."

"What is it Connor?" Adam sighed, settling down into the recliner.

"I need to tell you something..." I started.

A/N: I do not own anything reconizable!  

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