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Here's a sneak peek of my new Jonnor story Stay.

Why did this have to happen to him? Of all the horrible people I know, the worst thing I could think of happened to the nicest person I know.

If there was one thing I could say, It would be I'm here. or, I love you. But, as it stands as of right now, I can't. He can't hear me, he can't hear anyone.


Jude's P.O.V

I wake up, to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I roll over and check the time, 5:45am.

It takes me a minuite, but then I rember why everyone is awake so early on a saturday, in the middle of summer. We're going camping. I force myself out of bed and over to the bathroom, I open the door to find Mariana and Callie brushing their teeth.

"Morning Judicorn!" Mariana chirps.

It still amazes me how she can be so chirpy, even at the early hours of the morning.

"Early" I mumble, slouching over to the sink and putting toothpaste on my toothbrush.

Callie laughs and spits out her foamy toothpaste. The girls leave the bathroom, and dispear into their room. I finish, then do the same.

Within minuites, i'm dressed and heading downstairs, by the last step of the stairs I can smell the aroma of the eggs and Bacon. "Mmm..." I say sitting down, in my seat beside, Brandon at the table.

*5 minuites later.*

Everyone finished breakfast and we all loaded into the Van. Moms in the front, mama driving and mom in the passenger seat. Mariana and Callie, in the middle and , Brandon and I in the back.

Mom turned on the radio and Best thing by Kari Kimmel came on.

Hold tight, there's something over here,

I can't explaine the things I feel,

I'm flyin' way up higher then a kite,

Callie and Mariana we're singing along and everyone was laughing at them.

But, then that's when it happened. Everything went dark.

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