Secreats Uncovered.

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm finally back!! So, I'm really sorry for that really long break :( But, I have a great idea for this chapter :)


General P.O.V

After graduation, everyone went to the Fosters's house. It was a busy house. Having Mike, Rita, the GU girls, Connor, plus the family.

Everyone had cake, and sparkling apple cider. They only had it on a special occasions, this ocassion was more then special, they were celebrating the youngest of the family, going off to collage.

Suddenly, Lena raised her glass, tapping a fork agienst it. 

"Everyone! I'd like to make a toast." Lena started, and everyone raised their glasses.

"To Jude, and his graduation, and to having his wonderful boyfriend back, even if it's only for today." 

Jude smiled, and Connor kissed his cheek. 


Jude loved having his family and Connor back. It felt right. Like they had never even left, and like Callie never had Max. He loved Max, but sometimes, he wished everything was still the same. He wished that Connor had never left, and that he still lived with his siblings. But now it was Jude's turn. It was his turn to leave, his turn to break hearts, his turn for everything he had saw his siblings do.

Connor tugged on Jude's hand and guided his hand up to his room, the room that by the end of the summer would be almost empty, everything would be in his dorm room, at Brown. When Jude found out that he got into Brown, his 1st pick school, he was soo excited, but he was alone. No One was home, when he found out. Stef was at work and Lena was visiting a friend. So, he called Connor, he picked up on the third ring, he never missed a call from Jude. And that made him happy, he could ALWAYS talk to Connor no matter what's going on. "Hey Jude!" Connor sounded happy, he always did when he was talking to Jude, even when he was mad, he managed to stay happy for a phone call with Jude.  "Hi, I have some news." Jude sounded serious, trying to hide his excitment. There was a pause and they he blurted it out  "I GOT INTO BROWN!" That phone call lasted over 2 hours, The both of them excited over the news.

Connor closed the door, and leaned up agenst it. "Hi." He whisperd.

"Hi." Jude whisperd back, a huge smile spreading across his face.

Connor pulled Jude in, kissing him, and then breaking apart to wrap Jude in a hug.

"I need to tell you something." Connor said, moving and sitting down on Jesus's old bed.

"What's wrong?" Jude knew that look on Connor's face, Connor was about to say something Jude probabaly didn't wanna hear, but he sat beside Connor on the bed and put his hand over Connor's.

"I can't go back to New York." Connor started. "My dad found my phone and saw that we were a couple, and uh, kicked me out."

Jude's face was REALLY red, like he was going to hit something. Jude never hit anyone EVER. He was too nice, to ever do anything like that.

"What about your stuff?" Jude asked.

"Uh, it's in a suitcase in your mom's room. I got here this morning after you left." Connor explained.

Jude nodded slowly, now he just looked sympathetic for Connor. 

"You can stay here." Jude said.

"Really? Your moms will be okay eith that?" He asked.

Jude nodded, "We'll explain after." 

A hour later, evryone was gone. Callie and Brandon with Max, back to there apartment =, not to far from here, and Jesus and Mariana back to collage.

"Uh, moms can we talk to you?" Jude asked, holding hands with Connor.

"Sure, What's up bud?" 

Jude and Connor explained the sisuation to Stef and Lena, and they agreed to let Connor stay at their house, in Jesus's old bed.  Jude loved the tought of having Connor around all the time, after 3 years of not seeing him, except through FaceTime. Even if he had to leave after the summer, he knew that this would be a summer he would never forget.

A/N: I don't own anything Reconizable!!


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