Chapter 7 - Spread The Word

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Chapter 7

"You bitch!" Dexter called, stepping towards me with his hands pulled into fists. Before I could even react though, Fred pushed around me and swung his fist right into Dexter's nose. I gasped, my own hands covering my mouth as blood sprayed like a broken hose from Dexter's now mangled nose as he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Fred!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Charlotte, he just- and I didn't- because he shouldn't-"Fred fumbled, looking at me frantically.

I held my hand over his, hovering only half a centimetre above his injured hand, and suddenly there was a warm glowing light from my hand, a golden glow. Before my eyes, the split on his hand closed up and purple/bluish colour disappeared altogether.

I starred at both out hands for a moment, completely mesmerised and also slightly terrified. I'd never done that before.

"Charlotte..." Fred whispered. I looked up to meet his eyes and they were as wide as saucers.

A groaning behind me shook me out of my surprised state and I saw Dexter slumped up against the wall, blood rushing from his nose and his eyes closed. I ran over to him to see if he was ok.

"Dexter, hey, wake up," I said, poking his shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"What happened?" he asked me, his words slurred. He went to move but winced, his arm moving up so his hand could grasp his forehead.

"You must have tripped, fell and hit face first. The ice can get slippery up here this time of year" I explained, hoping he hadn't remembered Fred hit him.

"Quick, we have to get him to the hospital wing" I stuttered loudly, already trying to pick up Dexter by myself.

Suddenly Fred was there, taking the other half of Dexter's weight and we hurried down the stairs of the owlery and ran as much as we could to the hospital wing where as soon as Madam Pomphrey saw us, she directed us to a bed and we laid Dexter down.

She asked what happened and I told her he had fallen and hit his head. "I think he may have a concussion because he didn't remember doing it and asked me what happened" I supplied helpfully.

We thanked her and walked out. Fred and I walked in silence until we'd reached the end of the hall that went in 2 directions. Up or down. Up led to the astronomy tower and down led to classrooms and anywhere else.

It was dusk and the sky was pulling away the light, quickly turning from light blue to a deep pink. You could just see Hogsmeade starting to light the lanterns and glow in the distance.

"Char" Fred started, looking at me. "What was that?" he asked. His gaze flittering from me to his newly healed hand, to me again. There was a distinct look of fear in his captivated green eyes.

I looked out at the sky and breathed in a lungful of air, holding it before I let it out slowly. I'd taken too long to answer so Fred persisted with his questions. "You weren't holding your wand Charlotte, but you did serious magic" he went on.

"How?" Fred asked.

"I really don't know" I shrugged, looking out at the sky again. "My parents used to tell me I was very special, and one day I'd understand." But they'd died and I had no idea what this was.

"So you have magic away from your wand?" Fred asked. "And it's pretty powerful" he added as another thought.

"Sometimes. They only manifest when I'm very emotional or in need of them. I've never healed anyone before. I didn't know I could do that" I told him. "I don't know what's wrong with me" I whispered.

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