Chapter 9 - Merry Christmas

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Chapter 9

A chilling feeling crawled along my back, causing me to shiver. I finally couldn't take it anymore and looked up to find a tall dark figure standing in the doorway and I recognised the being, sending every fear in my body into overdrive...

He was the one my parents had warned me about, the one that haunted my nightmares and even my daydreams. He reached his pale, ghostly white hand towards me, whispering so quietly...

Once I looked, I couldn't tear my eyes away. Skin as pale as a full moon in winter, and eyes sinisterly redder than the blood coursing through my veins. His eyes held me captive as the tears streaked down my face in a continuous flow.

I'd never seen him before, only been warned again and again by my parents who told me of his dark features. He looks like a snake, my father had told me. I never knew how much he was telling the truth until I looked at him now.



A breath rushed into my lungs when I gasped, waking from the dream that had become so normal in my nightmares.

"You were whimpering again" Roze told me, concern filling her eyes as she stared at me from her bed, the covers sitting on her waist and her hair a mess. I must have woken her.

"I'm sorry, it was that stupid dream about the ants again" I lied, shaking my head and sitting up.

"You should really get that checked out Roze, it sounds like you have a subconscious phobia of them" she laughed and two seconds later, was fast asleep again, snoring lightly as the sun was just peeking over the horizon out the window behind her.

I sighed, and threw my legs over the side of my bed, placing my head in my hands as my elbows rested on my knees.

I thought I'd escaped the dreams for a moment there. A whole three weeks without them terrorising me in my sleep. But of course I couldn't have stopped them... you can't run from your past.

"By the way, Merry Christmas" Roze's voice says in the faintest whisper and then her quiet snoring begins again. I laughed, and headed to the bathroom to shower. I dressed in a knit jumper and ripped jeans before going downstairs.

Mrs Weasley was already in the kitchen, beginning Christmas dinner. She had a bounce in her step and was whistling when I approached.

"Merry Christmas Mrs Weasley" I smiled.

"Merry Christmas dearie" she replied, a smile of her own stretching over her face.

"When does Mr Weasley arrive?" I asked. The reason for her happiness was obvious.

"Just before dinner. I'll be going to pick him up while all you lot set the table" she informed me. I nodded. After asking if there was anything I could help with, she tsked and sent me to start the fire in the living room as today was meant to be very cold, but other than that, not a thing.

The day was filled with games and laughter as it was spent inside. We'd all agreed presents would be done after dinner when everyone was home and happy.

Soon enough we were setting the table with the roasts, vegetable, salads and steaming hot bread rolls. Gravy and extra stuffing was all laid out by the time Mr Weasley rolled in in his wheel chair.

"Here we go, Daddy's back" Mrs Weasley grinned, a Santa flying over her head, making her duck.

Of course, dinner was delicious and everyone was excited for presents. Mr and Mrs Weasley gave me a new pair of gloves, hand knit and black with a purple trim.

And that's when Kreacher came in and announced calmly but suspiciously, "Master Black, there's someone banging on the divide between place 11 and 13. He's yelling for Charlotte Hale, master" he explained.

Sirius was on his feet faster than I'd ever seen him move and walked quickly into the hall, disappearing from sight. My eyes widened and I looked around, everyone looked frightened and confused.

"For me? How could- why would- I don't understand" I said, standing up, intending to follow Sirius.

Molly grabbed my arm before I could move. "Stay in here Charlotte" she told me, worry in her deep brown eyes. She then turned to everyone. "Upstairs now. Get into Fred and George's room!" she yelled, everyone did as they were told. Heading to Fred and George's room which was the farthest along the hall.

Everyone ahead of me started climbing when we heard a loud pop. The air suddenly smelled acidic and foul, like weeks old dirty laundry, and I felt a presence at my back that raised my hairs on end. I swung around to face the intruder, my hand instinctively pulling out my wand but I froze, my fingers stiffening around the wood. This wasn't possible.

Molly slowly moved to stand protectively in front of me and I watched her stance, as if she was protecting one of her lion cubs and I glanced back at my friends to see they'd drawn their wands and all pointed them to the impossibility in front of me, Adam Hale.

"I thought you were dead" I started, staring at him. I don't know how all these years later I could recognise my father's brother, but somehow his likeness had found a place to be stored in my brain, even with the loose baggy clothing he wore that caused the horrific smell he emitted. His eyes were still the same green as my fathers, the resemblance enough for me.

"Charlotte? Charlotte Hale, is that you? You are so so so grown up. I can't believe how much you've grown" he babbled. His eyes were unfocused and he looked like a mess with dishevelled long grey hair, a beard longer than Hagrids and torn pyjamas hanging from his skeletal body. His mad man grin gripping his face.

"What are you doing here? How are you here?" I asked, and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Sirius sneak into the room, careful not to spook Adam. It was clear the man was unstable.

All the happiness drained from his ageing face once I asked, scrunching up instead in fear and fury. "I'm here to protect you! You have to be protected. Your father made me promise, he made me promise to protect you. You're special. Special Charlotte has to be protected, or he'll come. He'll come for her" he snarled, more talking to himself than I.

"Who will come for me?" I asked, and I realised my voice was quiet and my hands were shaking.

"I have to take you away from here! You'll be safe with me" he exclaimed, his voice getting louder.

"You aren't taking her anywhere" I heard Fred growl. My eyes snapped to his for a moment and there was so much power in his protectiveness, he looked frightening. My heart jumped.

"NO!" yelled Adam, snatching my attention back. "YOU CAN'T PROTECT HER" he screamed, eyes drilling holes into Fred. His eyes then flicked to mine and he stepped forward and was in front of me so quickly, grabbing my arm and pulling me roughly down the stairs.

He was unarmed, so Sirius jumped at him, trying to tear Adams hand off of me. "Let go!" I yelled, struggling to pull free and suddenly his grasp failed and I went flying back into the post of the stairs. Fred was immediately by my side.

"You have to run Charlotte. Run from him or you will be lost forever" he whispered and even with Sirius' restraining him, he disappeared, leaving Sirius flailing and falling through the air where Adam stood only moments ago.

With wide eyes brimming with tears I turned to Fred and threw my arms around him, clutching him tightly. Without needing to think about it, he pulled me tightly against him, whispering gently in my ear "It's okay, you're ok".

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