Chapter 19 - He's Back

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Chapter 19

Charlotte's POV

I could almost feel my heart shattering. Fred knelt down next to Roze and the devastated look on his face told me everything I needed to know. A heat built in my chest, running down to my palms and a scream erupted from deep within my lungs.

The room filled with bright golden light, shimmering endlessly to the point there was nothing else. A fraction of a second later, it was gone and I was couching on the floor, my hands to the cold of the black tiles. My head lifted, finding all the death eaters slumped against the walls, not moving except for the slightest lift of their chests as they breathed in shallow breaths.

I sprinted to Roze's side, tears streaming down my face. I held my palms over her chest, willing whatever happened with Dexter in the Owlery to happen again and let me heal Roze.

But nothing happened, no light, no feeling... nothing. "Come on!" I screamed, pressing my hands to her chest and trying to force the power inside of me.

I shot a panic look at the twins as they knelt on the other side of her. Fred was holding Roze's hand and George patting her hair softly, tears pooling in the corner of his eyes as he looked down at his sister. Fred looked back at me with loss and fear shining in his water coated brown eyes.

I looked back to her face, tears blurring my vision. "You will not die Roze. You will not die!" I cried.

I pulled my hands away and shook them at my sides, sucked in a deep breath and forced everything I had from my heart into my hands. This girl is my best friend is lying at my feet, a girl I love, a girl that has her family and friends, and the most loyal of hearts and souls and- A white light emitted from my palms and suddenly, Roze sucked in a deep breath. Her eyes snapped open as her chest heaved in the air, her pupils dilating from the glow my hands still emitted. 

I fell on top of her, hugging her close to my body and rocking back and forth. Her hands gripped my arms as she hugged me back. "Don't you ever do that again" I breathed, pulling away to look at her.

She gave me a pained half smile. "I don't plan on it" she breathed. I let out a hiccup/laugh and hugged her again. The twins' arm encircled us both.

"Come on, we need to get out of here, find the others" Roze said, giving us a shove backward so she could stand. She looked like she didn't even have a scratch on her.

"How do you feel?" I asked cautiously.

"Better than ever" she replied with a shrug, then gave me a pointed look. "You also have some explaining to do."

The wall beside my head exploded into dust. My head snapped so fast in the direction of a group of death eaters that were running towards us, I was surprised it didn't snap my neck. I pulled out my wand and sent a couple of them flying back. "GO!" Fred yelled, urging us to run.

We shot back spells at those that were running after us until we stumbled onto the main floor of the ministry, screeching to a halt as a huge snake made entirely of fire rose high to the ceilings and its body covering the entire floor with fire.

Dumbledore had his wand raised at the snake and Voldemort stood laughing. I found harry pushed up against the wall, surrounded by broken tile. My feel carried me before I told them to, sprinting in Harry's direction. I felt the fire burn at my back, and I glanced behind me to see it had engulfed the entire section between the Weasley's and where I now knelt by Harry.

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