Chapter 18 - Fading to Nothing

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Chapter 18

Charlotte's POV

I'd never seen him before, only been warned again and again by my parents who told me of his dark features. He looks like a snake, my father had told me. I never knew how much he was telling the truth until I looked at him now.


"Charlotte, it's time to come home. With me" he started, his hand reaching towards me. The six-year-old-me pushed herself up against the wall. "You rightfully belong with me. You are mine. My daughter."

I screamed. I screamed as loud as I possibly could, hoping someone would hear me, but instead, Voldemort crumpled to the ground, holding his ears.

I watched in confused horror as blood leaked from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. It was such a dark red, it looked more black than crimson as it dripped from his skin and pooled on the floor.

Voldemort was groaning in pain, forced to his knees as it looked like his head was exploding from the inside. I screamed louder at the horrible sight in front of me, and Voldemort's sounds of pain got louder, more of his blood being spilled.

I ran and continued to scream and cry, leaving him screaming on the floor. I ran down hallway t and jumped down the stairs two at a time.

Their bodies made me stop. It felt like my heart stopped beating and I would die too. Mumma and Dadda lay on the floor, surrounded in their own blood. They were side by side, wands clutched in their ghostly pale hands.

The carpet met my knees when I fell to mum's side, laying down on her chest and sobbing loudly, screaming for her to come back to me. "Please! Don't go, don't leave me!" I screamed and screamed.

"Daddy please!" and I screamed.

Groans rolled out from behind me, my head whipped in their direction. Two terrifying men were splayed out on the floor. Blood spilling from their eyes, mouth, nose and ears.

I screamed louder. They screamed too.

I sobbed and threw myself on my parents one last time, and then ran from the house and across to the park where my parents had told me to go if I was ever in danger. I stopped screaming once I reached the old broken bike tire that was chained to a fence.

I looked back to where my parents had died, hearing the disturbing call of Voldemort yelling my name.

I grabbed the port key.

I floated in their air, and had been for over an hour. I was beginning to lose the concept of time as I laid numb, staring at the ceiling of an unused office in the ministry.

The sound of his voice sent a shiver through me, breaking me away from the nightmare of that night.

"You will come to trust me Charlotte and I will not have to restrict you like this" he voiced. "I only do it so you cannot harm me like you did that night I came to collect what was mine." I couldn't reply, so he continued.

"These powers you possess? I can train you to utilise them. You are the most powerful wizard to have ever lived" I sucked in a sharp breath. His tone held affection and if I could, I would have vomited. I screamed at my body to move, but I was frozen.

"I will train you and you will be on my side once you see, Charlotte. You are like a daughter to me". A man who could never love felt like I was his daughter? No, he coveted me for my power and strength, so I could be used as I weapon.

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