Chapter 17- Proud

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Chapter 17

The O.W.L's commenced in 5 minutes, and I flicked my wand at my hair to set in a silky straight style. Fred was my best friend and I'd never worried how I looked in front of him before but this moment, I needed to be at my best. I needed to be everything he'd want.

I wanted to be early, so I'd be waiting for the twins when they arrived, but if I was loitering before the exams began, I would be sent off by Umbridge. It would only take 10 minutes to walk to the great hall if I walked slowly, so I pulled on my coat and started for the door just as a greyish, black eyed owl flew through the open window and shot straight towards me. I let out a squeak, taking a step back but he spread his wings out wide, revealing an impressive wingspan for his breed and came to I stop on the window sill.

There was an envelope with my name on it strapped to his leg. I'd never seen this owl before, but it inched its leg towards me, knowing I was the recipient of the mail. I cautiously took the envelope and ripped it open.


I request you come to the ministry immediately.
It's an urgent matter and I require your assistance.
Not life threatening but could put your internship
at risk if not dealt with in the next hour.

Auror Signor Reginald

I glanced longingly at the door, but Reginald said it was urgent, I couldn't risk losing this internship. Reginald said in the next hour, which must mean it wouldn't take more than a couple hours. I'd be back before the twins did their prank.

I sighed and left the envelope on my side table and shooed the bird out the window before walking quickly to Dumbledore's office, whispering the password that would grant me access.

The Floo Network was always active in here, as Umbridge knew only I had the password and she wasn't allowed to stop me from my internship. The flames glowed green when I threw the powder into them, clearly stating where I desired to go.

I didn't waste time looking around, but in the back of mind, I registered how deserted the place felt. The usually bustling walkways were empty, but right now, that allowed me an easier path to the Auror's office.

I stopped in a halt, my eyes drawn to the eye catching water fountain that lured the eyes as soon as you entered the main floor of the ministry. There was something off about it. I stared for a few moments, trying to figure out what was wrong.

The water had stopped flowing. An eerie feeling built in the pit of my stomach. There was something wrong.

I glanced over, looking to the elevators. All of them were open and waiting, the usual wizards who operated them were not in sight. Something was very wrong. Everything was silent, and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

I started backing up instinctively, without willing my body to do so. Get back to Hogwarts, it was safe there.

His eyes formed first, slowly and as if emerging from water. His face followed, then his shoulder and down to his toes all appeared. Reginald features had changed. The light no longer shone in his once bright eyes and the twitch of his smile was off, intimidating. He had dark circles beneath his eyes and his usual suit and tie were replaced with black pants and a loose black long sleeved shirt, rolled to his elbows.

"You running, Charlotte?" Reginald asked me, and his voice was rough as sand paper, not his usual smooth tone.

I glared at him, and the mark on his arm that represented where his loyalties truly lay. "You're one of his, of Voldemort's" I spat, shaking my head. He smiled a toothy smile, his teeth were yellowed at their bases. I shivered.

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