Six: The Date.

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"A date?" I scoffed, "Why would you want to date a fat ass woman like me?"

"Zoey, stop it," his eyes burning deep into my soul with anger.

"Stop what?"

"Stop looking down at yourself. You're beautiful in my eyes no matter how much fats are on every inch of your skin. God, you mesmerize me every time I look at you, you're smart, bold and your beauty is just a bonus, only if you see what I see Zoey," he said softly.

I sat there in silence as his words try to sink into me but what surprised us both next was the words that came out from my mouth.

"I already have a date."

His head shot up immediately as his eyes turned 7 shades darker which was kind of hot. Get yourself a grip, Zoey.

"Who is the bastard?"


"Zoey, if I find out who ever this –peasant is, I'm going to shred him into tiny pieces and have his eyes smashed if he ever lay eyes on you," his tone was full of jealousy and I was a surprisingly feeling a hint of joy hearing him trying to prevent me from going on the date with the guy.

It was true though that I had a date, well not exactly because I had not said yes yet. Mother paired me up with one of her friend's son and I was told that he had a crush on me since we were kids. She insisted that I go on a date with him but I told her I'm not sure if I would want to date anyone in this condition but after talking to Aiden just now, I will have to go for the date then since I told him that.

"Look Aiden, I'm sorry but I have a date already. Please stop bothering me already will you?"

"I'm sorry too baby, because I can't keep that promise but I can promise you this, when I find out who that bastard is, I'll have his head on a platter and if I'm kind enough I'll place some roasted vegetables on the sides," he said with such hatred that I was kind of worried to have him find out who the guy was. He stood up, paid for the bills and ushered us out of the restaurant and back to the office. The car ride back was silent and he never spoke a word, as soon as he dropped me, he took off without giving me a chance to thank him for the ride and lunch.

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath and stomped back to my office, pissed with him for acting like a baby. That man really needs some help in the attitude department. As soon as I sat down, my phone rang. I quickly looked at the caller thinking it was him but was disappointed to see mother called. I groaned but picked the phone up anyway, "Yes mother what do you want?"

"Hello to you too honey, how's work? And are you going for the date because Pete had been asking me a few times today," mom asked hopefully.

I let out a long sigh, "Yea sure, tell him to text me about"

She lets out a squeal of joy before ranting off about how she wants to get a son in law and have at least 20 grandkids. My mother must be out of her mind but I couldn't blame her because she's growing older and she only had me and my younger sister who is still studying in Malaysia right now for her masters. I was never the smart one but was good enough to gain a scholarship to study business in Korea. It was only up to 2 years I was in the business world before deciding to quit and work for Mr Kale which I gladly accepted. After almost 30 minutes talking on the phone with mother, I hung up and continued with my unfinished work. About 5:30pm, I clocked out from the office and drove off when I got a call. I parked by the roadside and looked at my phone screen, an unknown number. "Hello, who's speaking?"

"Hi, is this Zoey? It's me, Pete."

I was surprised but quickly regained my conscious, "Oh hey Pete, what's up?"

"Your mom called me to inform that you agree to go on a date with me. So how about we go tonight? I'll pick you up at about 7:30 from your place. Just text me your address."

"Okay sure, see you later then."

"Oh and wear something formal. See you!" he said before hanging up.

I sighed; this is going to be a long night.


As I was putting my heels on, the door bell rang cueing that Pete had arrived.

"Just a minute," I shouted from across the room as I slipped my heels on and walk towards the door to open it.

"Hey Zoey, wow you look gorgeous," he said as I watched his eyes checking me out, making me blush. I was wearing a black dress with laced sleeves and a v neck at the front showing off my cleavage but not too much of a whore. I finished it off with a spray of Dior's perfume which I use on special occasions such as this.

"Hey Pete, you look smashing too," he smiled and held up his hand towards me. I reached out and we both walked out, hand in hand. I felt nothing when our hands connected but there my heart beated fast but not as fast when Aiden looks at me intensely with his grey eyes. He is going to kill me if he sees this. Pete walked us to the passenger seat and opened up the door next to me before sliding in next to me. A few minutes later we finally reached the restaurant as his driver drove off leaving us alone.

"So how's your business trip to China?" I asked Pete as we sat down enjoying our champagne.

"It was all well, in fact I'll be going over again to prepare for the launching of our new product," he said enthusiastically.

I nodded remembering back then of how much he loved cars to the point that he told me he's going to create his own cars in the future but we just laughed him off. Who would have thought he really was going to prove us wrong and is now the number 1 leading company to produce high quality cars which explains how rich this man is but he still choose to go on a date with me where he can get thousands of other woman out there. I was a nobody.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" he asked as he waved his hands in front of me.

I snapped back to reality and gave him a smile, "Nothing much."

"You can tell me you know."

I paused for a moment before saying, "Well... I was just thinking why would you want a woman like me when you can have better ones?"

He laughed and said, "Seriously Zoey? You're wondering why I choose you over the rest? Because you are being yourself and not all those fake ones out there. You have a heart of gold not to forget having such an exquisite beauty I must say," he rubbed his chin and gave me his lopsided smile.

"You're very funny," I replied him and he just smiled.

"If you don't mind, I'll ask for your hand in marriage right now," he said smiling but with a tone of seriousness.

"Slow down Peter, I'm not ready to have kids yet."

"Man, here I thought I could steal your heart away after all those years of crushing on you. Damn Zoey, you've seriously gotten hotter these days," he said softly.

I blushed at his comments and continued eating my food, ignoring his intense stares towards me. All of a sudden I heard a crash in front of me and immediately I looked up. Aiden.

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