Chapter 6

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"I... I..." I stammered.

Ian and I had been friends as long as I could remember. When we were in high school, we were once assigned to do a stupid group project together. For then on, we had became best friends. We walked home together after school, we slept over at each other's house from time to time, and then, we started making YouTube videos together under the name of Smosh. It was just like yesterday that we were researching for our group project together. Maybe it's because I am so used to having Ian by my side all the time, it feels so weird that he is not by my side now... It feels that a part of me is missing. Usually when I feel sick or down, Ian is there for me to take care of me...  I never realized how important he was to me until he is gone. That feeling...My feeling for him... Deep down inside I know that I do not only treat Ian as my best friend. I... I... Love him... Like... I want to become a couple with him...

But I know it could never be real. I know that we would never become a couple. I have tried so hard to hide my feelings for Ian. I don't want to frighten him away... I am afraid that after I have confessed my feelings for him, he would leave me with fear. I don't know when did I start to fell in love with Ian. Maybe it's when we started to do the group project together? Maybe it's when we started posting videos on YouTube together under the name of Smosh? I don't know... I just felt like I have loved Ian for ages...

But still I never dared to tell him... What a coward am I...

"Time's up, my dear friend." Charlie appears again. "Now, are you ready to tell me your answer to the question?"

"I..." I stammered again.

"I don't have all day, you idiot!" Charlie said impatiently.

"Ian Hecox! I love you! I want to be with you until the world ends! I love you!" I shouted with all my strength.

"Ha! I knew it bro." Charlie laughed loudly, "Okay, Ian will be back soon. Just wait patiently."

"But when..." I want to ask Charlie more about what had just happened, but he simply disappeared into the thin air.

"Damn it, Charlie..."

I don't believe that I have actually shouted out my feelings for Ian so loudly. What if somebody heard what I said? What if... But I don't care now...

I wonder if Charlie could Charlie really bring Ian back... And if Ian's really back, what am I suppose to tell him? Am I supposed to confess my feelings for him in front of him? Or should I pretend nothing had happened? I don't really know...

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