Chapter 10

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"What the hell is going on with this video?" Mari said unbelievably after we've finished the video 'Dinnertime with Smosh'. We have decided to give a visit to Anthony today, as we are still really worried about him... And on our way to his house, this video was being uploaded by Anthony.

"This is just so wrong!" I nodded with agreement, "After Ian's gone, I thought Anthony is not going to upload anything that soon... Now he just uploaded this shit!"

"I am really worried about him... It seems that he is going a little bit crazy here..." Mari answered quietly.

"Let's see what he's up to." I sighed and continued driving.

Twenty minutes later we arrived at Anthony's house.

Ding Dong! I pressed the doorbell.

Anthony opened the door 10 seconds later.

"Keith!" Anthony said happily after he saw it was me, "And Mari is here too! It's so good to see you both!"

There's definitely something wrong with Anthony.

"Hey, Anthony..." Mari said hesitantly, "Are you alright?"

"Am I alright? Of course I am! I am much better than alright! Why do you even bother to ask this? Let's come in first." Anthony replied with a big smile on his face as he let us in.

"Make yourself at home, do you guys want something to drink? Water? Milk? Orange Juice? Tea?"

"Just... water will be fine..." Mari replied as she looked at Anthony worriedly.

"Me too..." I said.

"Ian just went out to buy something and he will be back later." Anthony shouted from the kitchen.

"Jesus, I swear something is wrong with him." I said to Mari who was studying the pattern of the wall.

Anthony reappeared two minutes later with two glasses of water.

"So... Why are you guys here today? You have something to discuss with me?" Anthony said as he put the water on the table.

"Um... not really..." I said, "We have something to do near here and we decided to stop by and say hi. "

"Oh... That's great!" Anthony said as he drank his... milk...

"So...  Is Ian back?" Mari said suddenly.

"Back? Why do you say that? He's never gone!"

Oh shit... This is going to be bad.

"He..." I tried to figure out something to say.

"Hey, Ian." Anthony said suddenly as he looked at the door.

But no one is there!

"Keith and Mari just stopped by to say hi." Anthony smiled. "You must be tired, let me get you a glass of water." He then went into the kitchen again.

"Oh no..." Mari shakes her head, "This is worse than I imagined!"

"Last time I was here he was still sad that Ian is gone... And now... He is imagining that Ian is here? This is not going to be good..." I sighed.

"What are we going to do now? We can't just leave him like that!" Mari looked at me

"I know..." I sighed again.

Then Anthony reappeared and he started talking to 'Ian'.

"Yeah, let's have Chinese food tonight." Anthony said as he nodded at 'Ian', "You guys wanna come?"

"I can't take this anymore! Wake up, Anthony, please!" Mari shouted suddenly.

"What is going on?" Anthony looked at me confusingly, "Why is Mari suddenly so angry?"

"I..." I don't know what to say.

"Ian is gone, Anthony! Stop imagining he is still here! You are freaking us out!" Mari shouted again.

"But... But Ian is here!" Anthony protested, "Ian, say hi to Mari."

"Ugh!" Mari ran out of the door.

This is getting even worse. Now I have two people to worry of. I knew Mari had always had some feelings for Anthony... It must be hard for her to accept the fact that Anthony is going crazy.

"I should probably go after her. I... I will see you again in a few days." I nodded to Anthony and walked out of the house.

Anthony's POV

What is wrong with Keith and Mari? I was thinking to tell them that Ian and I have became a couple through dinner... But now they are both gone...

"Don't worry, honey, Ian said. "I am sure they are going to be fine."

"Maybe you're right... I just don't know why Mari is so angry..."

"Oh! Come on, Anthony, she is just jealous of us! Can't you see that?" Ian said impatiently.


"Don't you tell me you don't know Mari had feelings for you? She is just jealous that we are now together." Ian laughed.

"I never knew that..." I said quietly. Mari? Has feelings for me? But I was in love with Ian for the whole time. Maybe that's why I never noticed her feelings for me. Maybe I should say sorry to her and confess that Ian and I decided to be together?

The Ghost Of You (An Ianthony fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon