Chapter 13

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Keith's POV

Mari went home after we had left Bob's place. She said she needed some rest. That leaves me wandering on the street, thinking where I could possibly find Ian.

Maybe I should start with Twitter.

I posted a Tweet: @SmoshIan Ian where are you now? We need to talk.

Then, I texted Ian: Ian, where have you been? I need your help. Anthony need your help. Please reply ASAP.

Although I know the chance for Ian to reply is really low, I still decided that I should give it a try first. And while I am waiting, I have went to many places: First, I went to the bar where we usually hung out, then, I went to the YouTube studio and other places where Ian love to go, the restaurants... something like that...

It's getting darker now and I still haven't got any reply from Ian. I have texted a bunch of Ian's friends, but none of them said they have seen Ian.

I decided that it is time for me to go home and get some rest. I shall continue my search for Ian tomorrow.

On my way home, I stopped by a fast food restaurant to get my dinner. I am too tired to cook myself.

"Keith! Is that you?" I heard a woman calling me. Who would that be?

I turned around and saw Ian's mom.

"Oh, hi!" I greeted her. "Getting dinner here?"

"Yeah," Ian's mom replied, "How are you lately? Haven't seen you guys in a while."

"Oh, I am fine." I smiled, Ian's mom is always that nice.

Wait a minute... It's Ian's mom! How can I forget about her? Will she happened to know where is Ian?

"There's something I need to ask you... Do you happen to know where's Ian? I've been searching for him for a while now but he just ignored all my texts." I sighed. Ian's mom might be my last hope.

"You've come to the right person." Ian's mom smiled, "He is in my house for the whole time and he hadn't came out of his room for a while now. I am kind of worried about him... He haven't been like that since he passed puberty... Did he had a fight with Anthony or something?"

I told her about the whole thing. From Ian's strange reaction to Anthony to Anthony seeing the vision of Ian all the time and Bob asked us to go find Ian.

"That poor little thing!" Ian's mom exclaimed. "You must follow me home and talk to Ian! They can't go on like this! I am afraid they would both go crazy!"

"Well, technically Anthony is already crazy..." I sighed. But I am so glad that I finally knew where Ian is right now.

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