Chapter 2

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The cafeteria was bustling as I weaved through the tables to my friends. I placed my lunch bag on the table and greeted my friends with a smile.

"Hey there, beautiful." Faith said.

"Hey." I beamed.

"So, anything exciting you wanna tell us about?" Hazel asked with a wink.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned whilst drinking from my water bottle.

"Have you talked to Zayn today?" Hazel asked with an excited tone.

"It was just like any other day, Hazel. We're not married." I replied.

"Yet," Hazel replied, "He hasn't talked or at least winked at you?"

"The only creep that winked at me today was you," I said with a chuckle before changing the subject, "So, how your hunt for the perfect dress coming?"

"I'm thinking of something to go along with the theme." Hazel said and flicked through possible options on her phone. The Underwater theme seems so cliche. Dances were definitely not my thing.

"Any luck for you?" Hazel asked

"I'm not going, you know that." I answered.

"Avery, it's prom!" Hazel practically screamed. The nearby tables threw us dirty looks.

"I don't like dancing or going alone," I said, trying to quiet Hazel down.

"But it's prom! The last dance you'll ever have!" Faith chimed in.

"You guys aren't gonna convince me." I spoke the truth, "The only reason i'll go is if i have a date, which won't happen."

"You don't need to have a date. Besides, neither of us have one." Hazel crossed her arms stubbornly.

"Anyways, we still have a few weeks to find you a date. We accept your challenge." Faith said. Hazel nodded and wrapped an arm around her shoulders in agreement.

I rolled my eyes and glancing over at Zayn. His black hair was slicked back and his brown eyes looked gold under the florescent lights. He caught my gaze and I stopped like a deer in headlights. He simply smiled and nodded his head in my direction. Perrie sat next to him, steam coming out of her ears as she burned holes in my skin with her eyes. I was dead.

The bell rang, indicating the end of lunch. My friends and I parted ways as I made my way to English. I suddenly lost my balance as someone body checked me form the side. I landed on the ground, hard, shielding my fall with my hand. Pain rushed through my wrist as I clutched it, holding back tears.

"Get your own boyfriend, chum." Perrie snapped and laughed with her group of friends. I made no effort to get up until I heard foot steps approaching behind me.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked. I turned to see Zayn staring down at me.

"Clumsy me. I always manage to trip over my own feet." I said and attempted to get up, wincing at the throbbing pain. Zayn carefully pulled to my feet.

"Let's go to the nurses office," he suggested with his hand resting on my lower back. My stomach developed butterflies, "We need to stop meeting like this."

"No promises. I'm a magnet for destruction." I laughed.

"Tell me about it. When I was younger, I had it all. Casts, stitches, dislocations. I think my mom thought I was trying to kill myself half the time." Zayn explained, laughing. We turned the corner and approached the nurses office.

"You sure you'll be already?" Zayn pointed at my wrist. I smiled at him through the pain.

"I'll survive." I responded and Zayn smiled. I grabbed the door handle before Zayn's hand grasped my shoulder.

"Um, there's a party at the beach after Friday's game," Zayn began and scratched the back of his neck. The team threw parties after every win, "Will I see you there?"

"What makes you so such that we're gonna win?" I questioned him with a smirk.

"As long as our mascot's there. We're a shoe in." Zayn suggestively replied and jogged down the hall. A big grin spread across my face like spilt liquid. He had noticed me all along.


An ugly, bulky brace covered my wrist. The nurse said it was a mild sprain and to take it easy for a week or so. The front door creaked as I entered my house. I let out a sigh and my backpack sank to the floor.

"Avery? I'm in the kitchen!" My mom's voice echoed through the house. I peeked my head in and saw supplies littering the island. 

"Hey, mom." I waved awkwardly with my wrist, resembling the movement of a robot.

"Oh my goodness, what happened?" She asked and whipped her hand on her apron, observing the brace.

"I tripped in the hall, resulting in this." I lied. If my mom knew the true, she would call the school. I was no snitch.

"This cake will definitely make you feel better. i found a recipe on Pinterest." Mom smiled and turned around to add eggs into a bowl of batter.

I managed to put a dent in my work load for the week. My thoughts kept wondering to Zayn. He invited me to their party. It was always an open party but he asked me, specifically! I buried my head in my arms and tried to hide my goofy smile form the world.

Maybe I should go to the party. Zayn had a girlfriend and I wasn't trying to start a war with Perrie. But things change, right?

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