Chapter 7

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I was stunned. It wasn't a dream. I actually had a mermaid tail. I tried to calm my breath as I reached out to touch the scales. The tail was slimy and wet. I pulled away in disgust, grabbing toilet paper to dry off my hand. I was missing lunch. I needed my legs back. I needed to get home so I could think clearly about this. Why did this tail pop up now? My mind raced for answers until I realized a connection. Contact with water. The first time I got my tail, I was in the shower. This time, Perrie dumped water on me. It seemed like the most logical explanation at this point.

"Now, how do I get rid of you?" I whispered to myself.

I scuttled around on the toilet seat and heard the slimy squish underneath me. I cringed at the sound. I started balling up toilet paper and soaking up the nasty mess. It was a slow process but I eventually dried off my whole tail. I leaned back on the seat, wishing the tail would just give me my legs back. Soon, the scales began to contract by deep into my skin. I wiggled my toes and stretched out my legs. Everything seemed to be in order.

I scurried down the hall and into the cafeteria. I walked straight back to my table, ignoring the dirty looks Perrie was throwing me. Her group of friend erupted in laughter as I passed by. I abruptly sat down, resting my elbows on the table. Faith and Hazel stared at me with confused expressions.

"Where were you?" Hazel asked.

"In the bathroom." I breathed out.

"Having some problems down there?" Faith asked.

"What? No," I said with a sigh, "Perrie spilt her drink on me. It took dry."

Faith and Hazel rubbed my arms as I sat there biting my nails. My mind was race, trying to find answers to the questions taunting me.  

"Avery," Hazel whispered. I jerked my head up, looking in her direction, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you seem really jumpy."

"I'm fine." I lied. Hazel saw right through me.

"Seriously, what's wrong?"

"You won't believe me." I cautiously whispered to them and avoided eye contact.

"We're your best friends, Aves. You can tell us anything." Faith said with a smile.

"I-It's hard to, to, explain," I stuttered out, running a nervous hand through my hair, "I promise I'm not crazy."

"Nobody said you were." Hazel said.

"Okay," I began and took a deep breath before continuing, "I think, I think that I'm...a mermaid."

They both stared at me with blank expressions before turning to each other. We were silent for what felt like hours until they broke out laughing.

"You're funny, Aves." Faith said between chuckles

"I'm not joking!"

"You might want a doctor to check your head for brain damage." Hazel added.

"I can't believe you just said that!" I angrily said and crossed my arms.

"Kinda harsh, Haze." Faith said, pushing her shoulder.

"Just forget it. It was a joke, ha ha. Laugh it up." I angrily blurted out.

"You're not acting yourself, Aves. Maybe you should call your mom to pick you up." Flora suggested and reached out to rub my hand. I pulled away and slung my backpack over my shoulder, heading out of the cafeteria. I wanted to scream. I wanted to lock myself in my room for the rest of the day. I power walked down the hall towards the front entrance.

"Avery!" Zayn's voice echoed down the hall. I stop and turned round to see him jogging to me, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I snapped. His smile faded. I internally kicked myself for yelling at him.

"You looked angry and I wanted to see if you were okay." Zayn asked.

I let out a long sigh, "I'm fine, Zayn. My head just hurts so I'm leaving early."

"Do you need a ride?" He offered.

"No, my mom can come get me," I said and thought about what Perrie said earlier, "Look, Zayn, I don't think it's a good idea to be friends. You have a girlfriend and I don't want any trouble."

"Since when does having a girlfriend mean we can't be friends?" Zayn asked, stepping closer.

"It's just not a good idea. It's our senior year, I just want to blend in and you.."

"What about me?" He questioned.

"You're not a blend in kind of guy," I explained, "I'm sorry. It's better if we just stop acting like friends."

Before Zayn could answer, I bolted out the front doors. I didn't feel angry anymore. That feeling was replaced with sadness.


"Are you sure you don't want me to call off work?" Mom asked as she tucked me into bed.

"I'll be fine. I just need to get some more sleep." I muttered and wrapped the covers tightly around me.

As soon as I heard the door shut, I jumped to my feet and retrieved my laptop. I searched the word Mermaid and started to drown in results. I made a list of what seemed to be valuable information:

1. Mermaid's tails appear when wet and disappear when completely dry.

2. Some legends say Mermaids have the power to manipulate water.

3. Mermaids must avoid the full moon, it has overwhelming power over them.

4. Never reveal their secret.

It looked like I was going t have to deal with this tail by myself.

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