Chapter 19

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Everyone's eyes burned holes into my skin. The music faded out and people's mouths hung open from amazement.

"Let me introduce you all to Avery," Perrie introduced and pointed to me. "The freaky mermaid girl."

I expect pitchforks to be raised up in the air and the FBI to show up to take me away in a giant test tube. Instead, the crowd started to cheer and Zayn stumbled up onto stage. I gave him a confused look but he looked more confused than I did.

"What a creative way to embrace the underwater theme, Avery." Mrs. Franks, our principle, announced into the microphone and strolled over next to me. "You made the tail look so real."

"Let's give it up for Avery and her amazing costume." Zayn pumped up he crowd and claps erupted from the crowd.

Perrie angrily grabbed the mic from Mrs. Franks,"Stop cheering! This isn't a costume. Avery's really a mermaid."

I laughed to myself from the way Perrie spoke. She sounded absolutely insane and I was the one with the tail. Mrs. Franks fought over the mic with Perrie who held on to it for life.

"Perrie, give me the microphone." Mrs. Franks struggled and finally yanked it from her hands. Perrie grunted and stomped her foot before crossing her arms.

"You people have to be crazy to think this is fake." Perrie hollered.

"You're the crazy one!" Someone yelled from the crowed and everyone began laughing. It sounded exactly like Hazel.

"I blame you," Perrie matched over to me. "You took Zayn from me and ruined my life."

"You ruined your own life, Perrie." I shrugged. Perrie was getting what she deserved. Karma's a bitch.

"How about I take you to the nurse?" Mrs. Franks ushered Perrie off the stage.

"I'm not a crazy person!" Perrie ran back to the stage and shouted to the crowed.

"Get of the stage!" Niall demanded and threw an empty cup at her. Harry carried Perrie off stage in a big screaming mess. The crowd began chanting my name and I was at a lose for words.

"I wasn't expecting that." I breathed out with a smile and glanced up at Zayn. He proceeded to pick me up bridal style and looked deeply into Tim eyes. Our lips connected passionately l and we pulled apart to see everyone cheering for us. "And I definitely wasn't expecting that."

"Let's get rid of this tail." Zayn suggested and carried me back stage.
After about five minutes of drying my tail, my legs were back and my dress reappeared. Zayn and I made our way back to the dance floor as Hazel and Flora dashed to our side.

"That's what you meant when you said you were a mermaid." Hazel stated and laughed.

"You should have told us you were pulling this little stunt." Flora suggested and hugged me.

"Avery!" A voice screamed from the dance entrance. Morgan jumped to my side and I almost tumbled to the floor.

"Morgan? What are you going here?" I asked shockingly.

"I came to scowled you for ditching me at the cave," Morgan rambled. "I might have left something out the last time we talked too."

"I'll be right back." I said to everyone and she pulled me to an empty corner of the gym.

"What do you have to tell me?" I questioned.

"I forgot to tell you that you can also talk to animals." Morgan smiled.

"That's not really important information of you ask me." I laughed and patted Morgan's shoulder. Zayn walked up next to me while wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I'm guessing this is Zayn?" Morgan studied us.

"Yes?" I answered as more of a question.

"Im sorry to break it to you but, you guys can't be together." Morgan confessed and Zayn's arm slid back to his side.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Mermaids can't date humans," She explained and glared at Zayn. "It's too dangerous."

"I love him, though.." I blurted out before thinking. What the hell did I just say?

"And I love her too." Zayn added and slipped his hand into mine.

"You two are stubborn," Morgan chuckled and tapped her foot. "There is a way for you two to be together."

"What is it?"

"You have to give up your tail."

"Done." I stated without a second though."

"Avery, are you sure about this?" Zayn asked uneasily.

"I've never been more sure about something in my life." I admitted and pecked his cheek.

This tail helped me grow and find who I really am. I was very grateful because this stupid, annoying tail got me Zayn.


Thanks for reading and voting!

xoxo, leah

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