Chapter 6

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"Avery," My mother whispered as I came to. She smiled down at me, "You're gonna be late for school. I left you sleep in a bit longer."

I stirred for a second and blinked my eyes open. Sun light streamed through my curtains and I stared at the clock. I was going to be late. I thanked my mom for waking me up and proceeded to get ready, throwing on the first outfit I could find. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair, turning on the faucet to wash my face. Nothing came out.

I patted down the stairs and turned into the kitchen, the smell of bacon in the air, "Mom, the sink isn't working."

"I think we have a clogged pipe. I called a plumber, they should be here later to fix it."

"What about brushing my teeth?" I whined and licked my teeth.

"Gum?" She said, raising the pack for me to see. My mom drove me to school just in time for Bio.

I strolled into Bio and saw Zayn sitting at my assigned lab station. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and smoothed out my shirt before sitting down. He glanced over at me with a soft smile.

"Alright class, the first half of class will be spend filling out the terms for our next test. Feel free to partner up with someone who brought their book if you forgot yours." The teacher announced and sat at his desk, returning to his computer.

"Partners? I never remember my book," Zayn said and I nodded, pulling out the heavy textbook. I turned to the glossary at the back of the book and found the chapter we were on, "How's your head?"

"I feel great, surprisingly, " I answered with a smile, "Thanks for driving me home by the way."

"No problem."

We filled out two sheets of paper with terms to study. The rest of the class was spent learning about the purpose of the next lab. The time flew by and soon I was walking to my locker before heading to lunch. Zayn followed me.

"Are you gonna be able to cheer at next Friday's game?" He asked, leaning against the lockers next to me.

"It depends but probably." I nervously answered.

"Cool," Zayn said with a nod before seeing his friends down the hall, "See you around, Avery."

I watched as he jogged down the hall and couldn't help but smile. Zayn kept on proving to me what a sweet guy he was. He was smart, athletic, kind. My lips curled into a smile and I tried ti hide it in my sleeve. I shut my locker and turned around, coming face to face with the devil herself. Perrie stood there in a baby blue sundress, holding a Starbucks cup full of water. Her makeup was insanely harsh.

"Perrie." I said, eyes going wide.

"I heard about the little stunt you pulled after Friday's game," Perrie snapped and glared at me, "I'd stay away from Zayn if you value your own safety."

"We're just friends." I said in defense.

"I've been watching you, Avery. You've been getting quit cozy with my boyfriend. Don't make me have to put you in your place." Perrie angrily replied.

"Why are you so mean to me?" I blurted out, anger growing inside me.

"I don't like you if you couldn't tell," She said while taking off the cap of her drink, "Especially since you're trying to steal my boyfriend."

Perrie glanced around at the empty hall before pouring her drink down my shirt. I shivered at the ice cubs and jumped by in surprise. She snickered and acted all innocent.

"Oops." She said before strutting off down the hall.

Tears started streaming down my face as I raced to the closest bathroom. It was empty. I locked myself in out of the stales and grabbed some toilet paper, dabbing at my eyes. Perrie was so cruel. Zayn was in too deep to see it. She was a manipulative monster. I guess i needed to stay away from Zayn if I wanted her to leave me alone. I wept into my hands and wanted to compete disappear. My legs began to tingle and I looked down to see scales enveloping my body. My breathing quickened and I tried to blink the hallucination away.

At that moment I realized the tail wasn't a dream. It was reality.

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