Chapter 18

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"Don't you two look lovely." I could hear my mom's voice from downstairs. They were coming to pick me up for the dance tonight.

For the past week, I haven't had any contact with Zayn. The sad thing is, he hasn't attempted to contact me either. None of that matters now. I had the perfect dress and I was going to have a great time tonight. I skipped, yes skipped, down the hall and down the stairs. My friends stood there looking beautiful as always.

"I hope all of you have a great time." Mom said and waved as we all piled into Hazel's car.

The ride to the dance was uneventful. Except for when we were talking about Zayn. Hazel said he called me and wanted me to call him back. Why was she giving me this message a week later? I had no idea. We got to the school and Hazel parked the car before we entered the gymnasium. I flung open the doors and stepped inside. A bright spot shined down on me and everyone was staring.

Zayn's P.O.V

"That's when we decided to start dating again." Perrie cooed to her group of friends.

Her arm was looped with mine and cuddled into my side but I scanned the room looking for Avery. A spotlight shined down on the gym entrance and in walked Avery. Her strapless red dress fit her quite nicely with crystal detailing. She was truly the most beautiful girl in this room.

"Right. Zayn?" Perrie nudged my side with her elbow. I needed to escape from Perrie to talk with Avery.

"Right. Would you like something to drink?" I asked and fake grinned.

"You're so sweet. A bottle of water would be great." Perrie kissed my cheek and waved me off. I rushed over to the drinks table and watched Avery inch closer to me. I turned my back in case she caught me staring.

"Isn't this dance amazing?" Hazel gawked at the blue and green shiny streamers hanging from the ceiling.

"It's very nice but I need to find Zayn," Avery confessed.

"We'll be on the dance floor in case you need us." Flora danced off with Hazel and I turned around to talk with Avery.

"Avery." I greeted with a smile.

"Zayn." Avery looked shocked and looked over my shoulder to see Perrie laughing with her friends. I better make this fast.

"Avery, I'm sorry I haven't called you. Perrie told me she would tell everyone your secret if I didn't go to the dance with her." I explained quickly and lost my breath.

"That's why I haven't called you either. Perrie said I had to ignore you." Avery's smiled dropped as she finished her sentence.

"Avery, I like you and I promise I won't let Perrie hurt you," I promised and I leaned in for a kiss as Perrie ran over to me.

"Zayn, what the hell are you doing?"

Avery's P.O.V

The sound of Perrie's voice was a warning alarm to run but I wasn't going to let Zayn face her alone. Perrie walked up in a tight pink dress with her face red from anger. I thought her blond hair was going to burst into flames.

"I thought I told you not to speak to this freak!" Perrie said and pointed a disgusting finger at me.

"Don't call me a freak!" I spoke up with confidence.

"Shut up, Avery!" Perrie screamed. "I told you to leave Zayn alone."

"To be honest,  I don't really care what you tell me to do. It's my Senior year and I'm not going to let you ruin this for me!" I yelled back and she looked shocked at my retaliation. Perrie pouted and snatched the water from Zayn's hand before poured it down the front of my dress.

"What is wrong with you?!" Zayn shouted.

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation because I ran off to find a place to hide. I ran to the bathroom but there was a long line and various girls applying makeup. I ran out and locked eyes with behind the stage. It was a perfect hiding place. I rushed and ducked behind the curtains before I fell on the floor.

"I hate you, Perrie." I whispered to myself.

"And I hate you too." Perrie smirked from behind me. She stared down at me with crossed arms. "Dani!"

Dani came up behind me with a wheelchair and both of them hauled me onto it.

"What is this for?" I glared at both of them.

"It's time to show people how much a freak you actually are," Perrie announced and Dani rolled me through the curtains onto the stage.

A spotlight was set on me and all of my fellow classmates stared up at my long golden tail.


Thanks for reading and voting!

xoxo, leah

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