Chapter 12

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6:00 pm

"What about this color?" Hazel asked and held up another dress in front of herself on the mirror. It was a skin tight red dress that definitely wasn't school dance appropriate.

"It's stunning." I sighed with a dull voice.

"You've said the same thing about all the dresses I've shown you so far." Hazel whined and rolled her eyes. Dress shopping wasn't my number one priority at the moment. I was too busy thinking about the full moon to worry if sequence looked good on Hazel. Flora wander around the dress aisle picking out dresses to try on.

"It's our last year of school, Avery. You need to let loose because once we graduate, poof, we're adults and the fun's over." Hazel advised and hung the dress on a hanger. I hated to admit it but she was right about me needing to loosen up.

"I found some cute dresses that would fit the dance theme." Flora burst in with her dresses stacked on her arms. I just needed to calm down and enjoy our time together.


"What about this one?" I smiled and twirled in the yellow and white checkered dress.

"You look like a taxi, next." Hazel shouted. I pulled on a green dress that had a pretty high low skirt.

"What about this?"

"You want to match the theme but not to a point were you look like a piece of seaweed decoration." Flora giggled and Hazel agreed. I danced into the final dress and strutted out of the dressing room.

"What do you think?" I asked even though their smiles said it all.

"You look stunning." Flora gasped.

"More like gorgeous." Hazel corrected. I glanced in the mirror and looked different person. The floaty red dress made me look like some sort of model.

"My turn!" Flora clapped and helped me into the dressing room. I found the perfect dress but I couldn't find a perfect date.

7:45 pm

"Do you guys want to eat something here?" Hazel asked as we were inches away from the exit.

"I could eat." Flora responded.

"My mother's probably making dinner at home." I lied.

"Your mother always works late on Fridays." Hazel eyed me suspiciously.

"I totally forgot but food sounds good." I shrugged but I was screaming internally. Keeping this secret from my friends was proving to be a real challenge. If they knew the truth, I wouldn't have to lie to them anymore. Maybe it would be best if they knew. We stopped right in front of the exit door. I was staring down at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact. I needed to tell them.

"I have to tell-" I began but caught sight of the moon. I could no longer control my own body or thoughts.


I woke up and saw my tail replacing my legs. My body ached all over and I moaned in pain while rubbing my head. My hands gripped the ground and found grass instead of my bed sheets. Zayn's house faced me and I started to breath heavily. A nearby tree in his yard was on fire and trash was scattered along the lawn. My tail was close to being dry and it didn't take much time to disappear I ran into Zayns house and found it trashed. Papers were all over the place, water splattered on the walls, and ice covered the room decor.

I know I had something to do with this. At the mall, I made eye contact with the moon and ended up at Zayn's place. I heard a cry come from the bathroom and saw the door cracked open slightly.

"Zayn?" I called and the crying stopped. I crecked open the door to the bath room and there he was. Zayn. He held his knees close to his chest and looked terrified.

"Don't hurt me." He pleaded.

"Why would I hurt you?" I asked and jumped up to hug me. Zayn has a lot of explaining to do.


"What happened exactly?" I asked as sipped from a hot chocolate mug.

"Hazel called me yesterday and said you started acting weird and ran out of the mall." Zayn explained. "She thought you were with me."

"And?" I gestured for him to go on.

"I drove down to the beach to see if you were there and I found you staring at the ocean. I brought you back to my place and went to the kitchen to turn on the sink. I touched your shoulder and you started freaking out." Zayn continued but I didn't want to hear the rest.

"What do you mean by freaking out?" I uneasily asked.

"You started throwing giant water ball's at me from the sink. I tried to turn off the sink but wind started blowing in through the winds. I escaped to the backyard but you followed me and created fire balls."

"That explains the tree but how did my tail appear?" I questioned.

"I may have body checked you into the pond." Zayn confessed with a guilt expression.

"You shoved me into a pond?" I chuckled.

"You were trying to kill me!" Zayn defended himself.

"I'm sorry," I apologized and set my cup aside. "At least I found a dress for the dance."

"Speaking of the dance," Zayn said enthusiastically before inching closer to me. "Would you like to be my date to dance?"


Thanks for reading and voting!

xoxox, Leah

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