Chapter 8

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Your P.o.V
{7 am}
I got up early this morning because I was ready to see Ciel. Zachary walked in,"Good morning,young mistress,"he started,"I see you're up early."he closed off with an eye closed smile. He went and opened the window and I sat up in bed and yawned while rubbing my eyes.
Zachary's P.o.V
After I opened the curtains I left the room so Evelyn could help get the young mistress dressed. I went down the stairs to get breakfast ready.
Your P.o.V
After Evelyn had done my corset I got into a emerald green dress that came to my ankles it had black frills at the end of the sleeves and trim of the skirt. I tied my (h/c) locks into a side braid and put on some black flats. I then went down for breakfast.
Zachary's P.o.V
The young mistress arrived at the dining table and I brought her food out and placed it in front of her as well as pouring her tea.
~Le time skip~
{after breakfast in your study}
Your P.o.V
I sat at my desk patiently waiting for a carriage to arrive to take me in to town.
Ciel's P.o.V
{already on his way to town}
I was sitting in the carriage on the way to town. I must admit I was rather glad to see (y/n) after a night of thinking about her. We finally arrived in town and I decided I would wait for (y/n).
Your P.o.V
The carriage eventually arrived and Zachary escorted me out and helped me in the carriage. I looked out the window watching things pass by as we moved.
{in town}
I ran up to Ciel who appeared to be waiting for me by a near by building.
Ciel's P.o.V
I was still waiting for (y/n) when I heard a voice shouting my name. "Ciel!Ciel!"shouted the voice. I looked around to find the owner as I found the voice belonged to (y/n). She was running towards me with her butler quickly following behind. She caught up to me and accidentally bumped into me when she tried to stop. As she bumped into me she also pushed passed and almost hit the ground but I managed to grab her waist and keep her from falling.
Your P.o.V
I ran up to Ciel and as I tried to stop I accidentally bumped into him. I pushed pass and nearly hit the ground I closed my eyes and braced for impact but it never came. I felt something grab my waist I opened one eye then the other to find a blue eye and an eye patch looking down at me. My face was completely blank and I felt myself blush.
Ciel's P.o.V
I gazed and watched one (e/c) eye open then the other to see the two (e/c) orbs looking back at me. I saw the beautiful face blush.
Wow! She's so beautiful and this is the first time I've seen her up close.
I blushed at the thought. We seemed caught up in the moment and stated at each other for a few more minutes and then,"I-I'm so sorry!"I said lifting her back up from the dip quickly. "For what?"she grinned. I gave a slight smile at her grin.
Your P.o.V
{while you're still in a dip}
Wha!? Our faces our so close! Yet he's so cute and this doesn't seem to bother me...
"I-I'm so sorry!"he said lifting me on my feet. "For what?"I responded with a grin. He gave a slight smile back.
Is that a smile?
________________________ And this is where I'll end this one. Please comment and vote.

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