Extra: Zachary Noles The (y/l/n)'s Butler (pt.3)

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Zachary's P.o.V
"Al-alright"she stammered. I then instantly took off into the alley. I tried to stay right on the tails of the ambushers. I had to admit they were pretty fast and I almost lost them a couple of times,but I finally was able to corner them at the end of another alley.
They started cursing at me and then I smirked. "Looks like I've got you cornered." "Oh do you now." One of them snickered. "I think not."another one said seriously. From behind a tall muscular man grab my shoulders. " 'bout time,George." The one who was snickering said. The two men approached me as I tried to free myself from the strong man's grip. "So I suspect you work for the infamous (y/l/n) family. Since you was strolling around town with the bratty daughter and idiotic father." The serious one said. "She's not a brat and he was no idiot!" "Whatever...we already got rid of the father and the mother was already deceased. Now we just got the brat." The snickering one added. "You'll have to go through me to get (y/n)!" "Hey,kid,we're giving you a chance to live here,but you're making it difficult." The one they called George said. "Screw that,I vowed my life to protect (y/n). Even if that means I have to die!"I said glaring at them. "If that's the way he wants it...so be it." The snickering one said pulling out a dagger. "Wait let's give him a chance to fight back,"the serious one started,"George release him."he finished. George does as told and let's go of me. The serious one lunged at me aiming for my face with his fist,luckily,I dodged it. Only then to be stabbed in the side by the snickering one. I instantly grabbed my side and fell to my knees. The serious one pushed me down with his foot and I laid against the cold,hard ground. He rested his foot on my face and looked down at me. "Had enough yet."he said squishing my face. The snickering one approached us with a look of insanity written on his face. "Enough is never enough."he said laughing.
~Le time skip~
Your P.o.V
It seemed like forever since Zachary had been gone. I decided to go looking for him. I walked down the alley and followed footprints left by shoes I presumed belonged to one of the ambushers. They lead into another alley and that was where I found 'him'.
Zachary's P.o.V
'Enough is never enough.' The insane looking one said. He then kneeled down to my smushed face. 'You looking pretty bad kid,might as well quit now and give us the girl.' 'Never!' I shouted. Only then to be cut off by the man slashing my throat. They eventually got away and I laid there in a small pool of my own blood.'Why am I not dead?' I thought to myself. That's when I heard the voice again.'Because of me.' Said the voice.'What?'i asked. 'Zachary Noles you are no longer human,'it started.'What are you talking about of course I'm still human,aren't I?' I started getting less confident.'You are now a demon,thanks to me. I am Gezelle,demon of the sparrow,I-'I interrupted.'A girl demon!? You're a girl demon! Why a girl?'I said.'Would you prefer me to let you die?''no' I responded.'Ok then let me explain.'she started again.'Yes I am a girl but I am the only reason you are still alive. I was created through your relationship with (y/n). My only purpose is to keep you alive and help you protect (y/n).''o-ok but I-'she cut me off.'You should rest now you are still healing after all.'
Your P.o.V
"Oh Zachary."I said crying into my hands. Only to then have my hair pulled dragging me to the ground. I yelped out in pain. That's when I saw who it was,the ambushers,I squirmed trying to get free but it was no use. "You monsters you killed my father and Zachary!" I yelled out angrily. They all started laughing as one of them to pull out a dagger. "Time to put an end to the (y/l/n) family."the one with the dagger chuckled. I screamed and closed my eyes as the dagger came closer to my throat.
Zachary's P.o.V
I heard a scream and opened my eyes to see (y/n) on the ground with an ambusher about to slit her throat. (Y/n) I thought. Then I heard Gezelle say 'Save her. Just get up I'll do the rest.' Alright. I thought in response. I got off the ground still slightly injured from earlier but not as much. The ambushers didn't notice me so this was the perfect chance to attack. Before I even knew what happened,with lightning speed I easily took out all three of the ambushers. (Y/n) was still on the ground crying. I then picked her up she was shaking a little but then I tried to calm her down"What's wrong young mistress?'I said smiling to see her open her eyes.
Your P.o.V
I laid there crying until all of sudden to picked up by someone I thought it was an ambusher so I started getting nervous and shaking. Then I heard a familiar voice ask "What's wrong young mistress?" I opened my eyes to see if it was really him and it was that's when I instantly hugged him. I then looked up to notice something...off. He was smiling and looked the same as usual but there was something different. I then noticed his eyes. They weren't the comforting jade green I knew. Instead they were a frightful ruby red.
Zachary's P.o.V
I looked down at my young mistress,who was now hugging me,and noticed a slight discomfort in her (e/c) orbs. I frowned"may I ask what's wrong young mistress?"
Your P.o.V
"It's your eyes...they're red." I said still staring at his eyes. "They are!?"he said instantly looking for a mirror so I gave him my small makeup mirror I always carried around. He stared in disbelief at the mirror.
Zachary's P.o.V
I looked in the mirror,shocked. Then Gezelle spoke'that would be my doing demons usually have red eyes. I told you Zachary you were no longer human.' The mistress then took my hand and stared at my nails,that were now stained pitch black. 'That would also be my doing.'Gezelle said.
Your P.o.V
"Zachary what's happened to you?" I asked. His eyes then started to glow in a mix of fuchsia,and red.
Gezelle's P.o.V
"Hello (y/n) I am Gezelle,the demon possessing your butler. I was created through your relationship with Zachary. My one and only purpose is to keep Zachary alive and to help him protect you."I said through Zachary with a bow towards(y/n). Zachary then shook his head and again I was a voice in his head.
Zachary's P.o.V
I was fixing to answer my mistress when suddenly I was in darkness and that's when I saw (y/n) and heard Gezelle talking to her.
*after talk with (y/n) and Gezelle*
I then regained control and shook my head to be sure I was in charge of my body again.
Your P.o.V
"...the demon possessing your butler..."
Demon!? Zachary's being possessed by a demon! Well...won't this be interesting. I then noticed Zachary or Gezelle shaking their head. I moved towards them a little worried. "Gezelle?" I asked in a worried voice. I then saw that the eyes had gone back to just being plain red. "Gezelle? No it's me Zachary." Zachary said. "Zachary is it true?"I asked him."is what true."he responded. "That your being possessed by a DEMON!"I put my hands over my mouth I didn't mean to shout the last part. "Yes." He said plainly. "You're not going to kill me are you?"I asked nervous. "No."he said."oh good...but wait are you going to leave me?"I asked. "Of course not  you are my mistress. I will forever belong to you."he said with a bow. "That's right,"I started,"and now that both my parents are deceased I shall take over in the (y/l/n) company."I finished confidently.
"Very good young mistress."
*time skip to the present*
Sorry it took I while I was busy getting ready to go to DisneyWorld so...oh and this concludes the extra the next part will go with the rest of the story. See ya,

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