Extra: Zachary Noles The (y/l/n)'s Butler

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This is just a little extra so you can know more about your butler. The video above is 'Servant of Evil' I put it there because I like the song and it goes very well with this story.
Zachary's P.o.V
I have worked for the young mistress for a year now. But our story goes back a while.
{5 years ago}
I was only 10 and on my way home I had picked up some supplies for my mother,who was pregnant at the time. I walked up to the door of my small,torn house and it appeared to be already opened I dropped the supplies and ran up to the door. It creaked as I opened it slowly and I shouted as I entered 'is anyone in here?'. Nobody answered and I entered the house completely. There was a sickening smell it left a bitter irony taste in my mouth. I walked along the old wooden floors an they creaked underfoot. I went into the family room and what I saw scared me stiff. My mother layed there staring up at the ceiling with blank eyes and cuts all over her,my father in his chair with a slit throat and cuts on his arms. I saw both parents dead in cold blood. I backed away trying to forget I ever saw that but it seemed to be glued to my brain I began to get teary eyed I still had the scent of my blood in my nose so I ran out of the house trying to get some fresh air I fell on my knees in a patch of dry grass and began banging on the ground. I was now fully crying "Mom! Dad!"I screamed. I ran into town to get the police and tell them about my parents. As I ran into town I ran past an alley and all of a sudden a hand came out and grabbed me from behind I was pulled into the alley screaming and trying to get out of the attackers grasp. "H-hey let go of me!"I bit his hand and he dropped me and I ran. As I was running I ran into a small girl who was out with her parents. I grabbed the girls shoulders and looked into her (e/c) orbs with pleading eyes "please help me,"I begged. She asked me what was wrong and I told her about my parents and the attacker in the alley,who decided to hang back in the alley. I saw sorrow in her eyes.
Your P.o.V
I was walking in town with my parents and all of a sudden a boy a few inches taller than me ran into me. He grabbed my shoulders and looked at me with pleading eyes. "Please help me,"he said. I asked him what was wrong he explained that he came home to see his parents murdered and then he was grabbed by a stranger in an alley. I felt sorry for him and I couldn't help but hug him.
Your Fathers P.o.V
Joshua William (y/l/n),your father
"(Y/n),do you know this boy?"I asked my small daughter. "No,"she replied releasing him from her hug.
Zachary's P.o.V
"Oh sorry,sir,allow me to introduce my self I am Zachary Noles."he said with a small bow.
Your mothers P.o.V
Josephine Rose (y/l/n),your mother
"My,your quite the little gentlemen aren't you."I said with a slight smile.
Your P.o.V
"Mother,Father,Zachary was telling me about his parents,"I started. "Yes?"they said at the same time."Well apparently they've been murdered." They both gasped and looked down at Zachary who was pitifully looking at the ground.
{it began to rain}
Josephine's P.o.V
"My you poor boy,"I finally said. "Mother?"my daughter asked. "Yes darling?"I replied. "Since he has no other place to go right now can we take him back to the manor."
Joshua's P.o.V
"Well I don't see why not,Josephine?"I asked my dear wife.
Josephine's P.o.V
"I suppose."
Zachary's P.o.V
"Yay!"(y/n)shouted and hugged me. I blushed I'd never been hugged by any other lady than my mom.
{at your manor}
Your P.o.V
I ran inside dragging Zachary behind me. "Having you around will be like having a big brother."I said smiling dragging him up to my playroom.
Zachary's P.o.V
I looked around as I was being dragged by (y/n) their mansion was quite huge.
This must be the (y/l/n) family.
Parents P.o.V
Mother was handing her coat to Evelyn,her maid, and Father was telling Zachary and (y/n) to play safe and be careful.
Your P.o.V
We got up to my playroom and I rushed in while Zachary was still taking it all in. I walked over to my book shelf and pulled out a book about a princess and her servant. "Zachary will you read to me?"I said running over to him with the book.
Zachary's P.o.V
"Zachary will you read to me?"she said running over to me. I looked at her curiously but agreed she handed me the book. 'The Small Princess' I read the title aloud. "Sounds interesting,"I said as she agreed with a nod. "Alright so..." I started.(video at the top)
{time skip}
Your P.o.V
I enjoyed Zachary reading to me,he had a fantastic reading voice. When he closed the book I hugged him. "Zachary,"I started"yes?"he replied. "I'm sorry about your parents,but at least I got to meet you."I said resting my head on his shoulder.
Zachary's P.o.V
I held back tears as she mentioned my parents and forced a smile. "I'm glad I got to meet you,too,(y/n)." I hugged her back.
~Le time skip~
{at dinner}
Joshua's P.o.V
"So Zachary,Josephine and I have decided that we're going to let you stay,"I started. "A-alright."he stuttered."but on one condition that you will work for us,by being (y/n)'s butler."I stated.
Josephine's P.o.V
"Yes we would like for you to keep (y/n)out of trouble and help her whenever she needs it."I added. "We've already scheduled for your departure to where they shall train you in all things necessary. But you won't leave until after the funeral for your parents which is in two weeks."Joshua stated.
Zachary's P.o.V
"Yes mr.andmrs. (Y/l/n),I understand." I said nodding. "Good man."said Joshua."yes indeed."agreed Josephine.
I looked over at (y/n). I'm doing this for you,(y/n). I want to be able to protect you.
The days dragged on and (y/n) and Zachary grew very close almost like siblings then came the day of the funeral.
{at the funeral}
Your P.o.V
I wore a simple black dress to Zachary's parents funeral. I stayed with Zachary through the entire thing. We went up so he could say goodbye to his parents before he left for his training. "Hello Mr.andMrs.Noles,"I greeted them. I noticed that Zachary was about to cry but he held back his tears.
~later that day~
Your P.o.V
"Noooo! You can't take him away! Zachary!Zachary! I want you to stay here."I yelled and pleaded and cried as my father held me back from going after Zachary.
Zachary's P.o.V
"I'm sorry,(y/n),but I have to go I'll be back though don't you worry."I said as I was forced into the carriage. I looked out the window to see (y/n) waving and I mouthed the words 'Goodbye, (y/n)' and looked down at the ground silently.
I know this is crazy long but it's only the first part I'll have the second out by tomorrow. Byes.

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