Chapter 14

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Hi everyone! This chapters shoutout goes to daughterofthesea55 , for voting! Love you all! Love hearing your comments! Give me ideas! Sorry I haven't written in a while! I was on vacation. Here's the next chappie!
Marlee's POV
It's the night of the ball. Carter told me to meet him in one of the closets. I look around to make sure nobody is watching and open the door. Carter is inside and he is wringing his hands.
"This needs to stop." Carter says.
"What?" I say, completely blind sided.
"We can't do this, anymore." He repeats. My mouth drops.
"What? Why?" I marvel.
"This could end badly, I don't want to hurt you."
"But that's the risk I want to take. I love you, Carter." I say, a tear running down my face. I take his hand, and plead.
"Please?" His eyes fill with sympathy.
"No, I just can't." He lets my hand go, and starts to open the door. For a last attempt to keep him with me, I stop him and give him a kiss. And he actually kisses me back. I put my arms around his neck, and his hands are in my hair. I finally think I got him back, when the door opens. We break away. It's a guard, he's looking back and forth between the two of us.
"Carter...." The guard says.
"Troy, please. Don't...."Carter pleads. His eyes are filled with fear.
"I'm sorry."
Marlee's POV
They took us in cuffs, into a room with no windows, and the door seemed to disappear after it was shut. A single lightbulb hung from the ceiling. Carter was facing me in the corner of the room, sliding down into a sitting position. I run up to where the door was, and start pulling and pushing on it.
"No, please! This can't be happening....." I say, desperately, "This is all my fault, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I put my head against the door. A hand rests on my shoulder.
"No, it's not. It's my fault as much as it is yours." He says. I still don't turn around.
"I know this sounds cheesy but, as long as we are together, I don't care where we are." That's when tears start to stream down my face.
"Carter...." I start, but he picks me up and hugs me. As soon as he sets me down, the door opens. Prince Maxon enters the room alone.
"Prince Maxon, I didn't mean to..." I say.
"I know. It's important to find the one you love. You understand what I have to do. Right? I don't want to. I really don't." He says.
"We understand, Prince Maxon. We didn't mean to betray you." Carter apologizes. Prince Maxon holds up his hand.
"I know. I don't want your apologies. Tomorrow you will serve your sentence," he goes into a whisper,"There will be a woman in the stands, with a blue fan. After everyone is gone, go to her and say ,'Crown of the king'. Follow her, she will help you."
"Thank you." I say. And I really do mean it.
We'll never fall apart,
Cause we fit together like,
Two pieces of a broken heart.
- Demi Lovato (Two Pieces)

Hoped you liked that chapter! Remember to comment and vote! Love to hear what you think and if you have any ideas! - Izzy B.

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