Chapter 15

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This chapter's shoutout goes to @azacafraz (I'm sorry if I spelt that wrong) I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated I 4ever, I have science projects and school and swim and all that crap. You don't want to hear my life story so here you go.....
Marlee's POV
They untie our hands from the pole. I lie on the floor defeated, and sobbing.
"You are now in caste 6." The man grants. Carter crawls over to me, as the square is being cleared. My hands are stinging. There's some blood on my cheek from when they hit Carter. I look up, Maxon is staring at us, and shifting his eyes to the left. Carter nods, I look to the left, finding the woman with the blue fan. I stand up weakly with Carter's help. The woman covers her nose and mouth with the fan.
"Crown of the King." I say, and the woman grabs my wrist. Pulling Carter and I through the crowd. We round the corner of the castle, into a back door I never noticed. She taps on the door 7 times and it opens. Maxon in inside, he puts his arm on my back ushering me inside. It's a dark room with stairs that go all the way up the castle.
"Come. Quickly." Says the lady with the blue fan. Now that I get a better look at her, she is very pretty. She has waist long blonde hair, with emerald green eyes that sparkle even in the dim room. She's very skinny and tall, like she was made to model. We walk up the stairs, my legs feel like anvils have been tied to them. I just want to lay down forever. We reach the second flight of stairs, when the door opens, showing us the nurses office. Carter is pulled in by one of the doctors, laying him on a cot. The nurses take a look at my hands.
"Oh my....." She gasps. I'm too afraid to look at my hands, if I do I will burst into tears. She walks me over to a sink.
"Are you ready?" She asks. I take a deep breath.
"Yes." The tap turns on and the water splashes onto my hands. A burning sensation starts. I whimper in agony. She finally turns off the tap, the sink water is bloody red.
"Now that the cuts are clean, I'm going to apply this medicine on your hands and bandage it." The nurse continues. The medicine feels nice and cold on my hands. The bandages go on. Carter isn't done yet. "Here let me show you something." Maxon rushes me up another few flights of stairs. He shows me a room with a single bed. It's dimly lit with a small lamp. "Maxon, you really didn't have to....." I start.
"Wait, look at this!" He rounds the corner and there is a smaller room with a few countertops and some appliances. Carter walks in behind me. He is wrapped in bandages from his torso to his chest.
"You can both stay here, and work in the palace. I wasn't going to leave you on the streets!" He says.
"Maxon this is..." I start, but Carson finishes.
"More than we could ever ask for."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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