What Happens When You Don't?

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Sonic's POV
I really hope I can keep that promise, if I don't Shadow is going to hate me, like forever. I guess we were both deep in thought because Shadow broke the silence by saying
"Well we both know you're never going to lose me, I'm immortal!"
"Yea, that's true, but you do realize one day I'm going to die. I promise you'll never loose me of an unnatural cause though."
"Yea, I know."
Shadow seemed a bit unhappy at that. So I asked him
"So does this mean we're boyfriends now?"
"Yea, I guess it does."
He smiled a little saying that. YaY!! I made Shadow smile!!
"So Sonic, should we tell anyone, or are we going to keep this our little secret?"
"I don't care, whatever you want to do is fine by me"
"Well, how about we keep this a secret for a little while. Until everyone is ready, then we'll tell them. I think if we tell them now they won't be ready, because you don't go from hating someone to loving them with all your heart in a matter of days."
"Alright then Shadow, just no fighting me anymore, okay?"
I couldn't believe everything, Shadow loves me, We kissed, and now we're dating. Oh. My. Gosh. I could die now and I'd be happy. Not literally though.

Shadow's POV
I'm so happy, I've actually never been this happy in my life. I have someone who loves and cares about me, someone I love and care about as well. I just really hope Sonic will keep his promise, I hope he won't let me down. I won't doubt him though, he's never broken a promise before, so he won't start now.

I had just noticed we had completely forgotten his cuts.
"Sonic do you have any bandages?"
"Yea, in the bottom drawer, in the bathroom. Why?"
"Your arms..."
"Oh, they'll be fine, no need to worry!"
I just gave him a look, which I guess said it all because he said
"Or we do... need to worry."
I went to the bathroom and got the bandages. Then I went over to Sonic grabbed his arm (where there was no cuts) and started to bandage it. Then I grabbed the other one (again where there was no cuts) and started to bandage it. Right as I finished Tails ran into the room.
"Guys!! Eggman!! He's attacking!! Hurry!!"
He ran just as fast as he came, so we followed. As Tails said, Eggman was indeed attacking us. He had already burned down two houses and was working on another.
"Tails get into the x-tornado, Shadow help me fight!" Sonic gave out order and we followed them. Eggman noticed us and decided to forget about the building he was trying to burn down, and fight us.

Sonic's POV
I gave several hits to Eggman's robot and they didn't do anything. Shadow even tried his chaos spear, but it wasn't working at all. Eggman kept taunting us with "haha you'll never beat me" or "face it you have to give up!". It was getting really annoying, really fast. Eggman started to call more robots to help him beat us, like he needed it at this point.
"Shadow I'll take the robots! You and Tails take Egghead!"
Just as I told Shadow he continued to fight Eggman.

I was taking down at least 5 robots a minute, things were going good for me. Shadow and Tails finally found the robot's weak spot. Just as I thought all was going well, my chest started to hurt. It went from a small pain, to an unbearable one. I looked down to see if I had been hit by something, and immediately, my heart broke.

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