"So I'll Save You..."

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Shadow's POV
It took me forever to sleep that night, I stayed awake trying to comprehend everything that just happened. My love, Sonic, was dead. We had just gotten together, but I guess me and good things don't really got along. Every time I get something good, it gets taken from me. I guess I wasn't supposed to be happy. Every time I am happy, that source of happiness gets taken away right before I can enjoy it. I guess that's just life, for me I mean.

Tails was getting the funeral ready, and he asked me to help him. After I finally told Tails about our relationship, he said it was sad Sonic died right after we got together. He also talked about Cosmo saying he never got to admit his feelings to her before she died, so I kinda felt bad for him.

It had been a week since Sonic's death, everyone was sad. The funeral had taken place yesterday. Lots of people showed up, obviously because Sonic was a hero. Amy bawled her eyes out acting like Sonic and her dated, which they didn't. Tails and I decided to keep Sonic and my relationship a secret. We didn't want anyone to think negatively about Sonic, especially after his death.

~~ 2 Weeks Later ~~

It's been about a month since Sonic's death now, and everybody's gotten over him but me. I'm still sad, and I'm still depressed. I guess you could say I'm drowning in depression, just like Sonic was. He tried to kill himself since he couldn't handle it, and maybe I'll do the same. For some reason though, I can't, because this voice in my head keeps saying "don't do it Shadow". Every time I listen to the voice and don't do it. The voice sounds oddly familiar though, like a sweet innocent girl's voice. Maybe Maria. Maybe she's telling me to keep going. Maybe she's telling me things will get better. I don't know what she's trying to tell me, but I refuse to listen.

~~ 1 Week Later ~~

I honestly need to die. The depression has only gotten worse, so I have a plan. I'll do what Sonic tried to do. I'll jump off the bridge, and I'll do it tonight. I can't handle the fact that Sonic's gone, so I won't handle it. I'll just see him again.


I made my way to the bridge, it was midnight so nobody would notice until morning, or so I thought. Just as I was about to jump, someone grabbed me. I tried to fight, I kept kicking and yelling for him/her to let me go. I stopped fighting when he/she whispered in my ear
"You saved me, so I'll save you..."

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