What Are You Talking About?

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-- One quick thing before the story--
I got inspiration from a friend and from a story I read about a year ago, but I don't remember the name, sorry!

Shadow's POV
I could recognize that voice anywhere, it was him. It was Sonic. I couldn't believe it, wasn't he dead?

I turned around and saw his beautiful face, his beautiful shining emerald eyes, and that blue fur I missed so much. I felt Sonic brush some tears away, I hadn't even realized I was crying.
"Shadow, I made a promise, and when I make a promise I keep it."

I couldn't handle my emotions anymore. My knees failed me and I fell to the ground, tears falling from my eyes like a waterfall. I felt Sonic's arms around me, and then I felt his warm lips against mine. Oh how I missed his lips. After we broke the kiss I asked him
"How are you still here? And how did you know where to find me?"
"Well I was dead, that's for sure. But while I was in heaven this blonde girl walked up to me and told me I was very important to you. I told her I already knew that. She said I had to live for you. So we made a deal, she would make me immortal, if I delivered a message to you for her. She said "Shadow, I'm sorry I had to leave you so soon. You had to live though, if you wouldn't have lived Sonic would die, you're supposed to protect him. If you fail to, he will perish. You must defend him, this IS a warning. Goodbye Shadow, and remember my words." Her name was Maria, the girl you always talk about."

I was speechless. I had to protect Sonic, from what though. Hadn't I already failed. Or is there more. Something else that will try to take away my beloved blue hedgehog. Before I knew it tears were coming again, and I hugged Sonic, I needed him, and I needed him bad.

Sonic's POV
Shadow was hugging me tightly and crying like I've never seen him cry before. So I was confused.
"Shadow? Are you okay?"
"Yea...just don't talk"
He replied in a shaky voice
"Okay Shads"

I wondered about what Maria said, what did Shadow have to protect me from? Wasn't I already supposed to have perished? And I came back, because of Maria. Is something else going to happen? Is there more to this love than I thought? Why does everyone seem to know my destiny before I do? Everyone seems to know what's going to happen to me.

As I was deep in thought I felt Shadow let me go, so I let him go and kissed his warm lips passionately. He kissed me back. I think we were both worried about what Maria said.
"Yea babe?"
I blushed when he called me that, I thought him calling me that was cute.
"Do you know what Maria was talking about?"
"Honestly, no, I have no idea. I thought you dying before was what it was. I guess not though. When she talked about me having to protect you, I knew it wasn't that."
"Okay, I don't know either."
"Are we going to tell anyone about this? I already told Tails, but are we gonna make it public?"
"Sure! Everybody should know I'm yours and you are mine."
"Okay, I agree with you."
"Let's go home Shads, you look exhausted."
"Yea, let's. Your house or mine?"

So we went to my house, and slept together that night for the second time. Although this time, I was actually alive to enjoy it.

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