What The Hell Happened?!

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Shadow's POV
I woke up that morning and Sonic was gone, I looked around and he was nowhere to be found. I went downstairs and looked around, he wasn't there. Maybe he went on a run? I guess he did, but what if he didn't? Wouldn't he wake me up and tell me? Maybe he didn't want to wake me up, maybe he wanted to let me rest. If he isn't back soon I'll go look for him.

It's been two hours and he isn't home. I went to Tails' house to see if he's seen him. I knocked on the the door and Tails answered it
"Hey Shadow!! What's up?"
"Sonic's missing, have you seen him?"
"Uhh.... No, I'm sorry Shadow, but I haven't."

Gosh dang it!! Why Sonic!! This is the second fucking time he's gone missing!! I started to walk away to go look for him.
"Wait!! Shadow!! How did this happen?"
"Well I woke up this morning and he was gone, I thought he went on a run, but it's been two hours since then. I don't know how long he's been gone, but we need to find him."
"Okay Shadow, I'll help you look."

After searching high and low all over Mobius, we hadn't found him. I had no idea where the fuck he is!! I don't even know how the hell this happened!! I'm starting to freak out. I don't know what to do, but I know I wont stop looking till I've found my blue love.

Tails and I decided we were going to ask the others for help. We couldn't do this alone, or with only the two of us.

Sonic's POV
I woke up in a small cage. I looked around to find out where I was. I was outside, on a concrete floor. I had no idea where the hell I was though, all I knew was that I was outside, and it was raining. It was raining hard. The rain felt like bullets to my back, so I felt it and was greeted with a sharp pain. I looked at my hand and there was blood, how did I not notice what happened to me. Honestly, what the hell happened?

I had been outside for hours now, and I saw a person walking towards me. I don't know who it was, but I knew it was a man. He kept walking towards me, and as he got closer I could see more about him. He was a mobian fox, he was gray and white, and had red eyes. Not like Shadow's beautiful calm red eyes that were full of love, his were scary and full of hate and misery.

"Who the hell are you?!?!"
I asked the man, he didn't reply he just kept walking closer. I sure hoped Shadow would find me soon, this guy is really creepy.

When the guy had reached my cage he unlocked it and dragged me out. He put a black collar with spikes on it around my neck, then he attached a black leash to it. I wasn't some dog, I wasn't going to let him treat me like this!! I kept pulling and trying to get away, then I tried to undo the collar. He noticed this and chained my hands behind my back. I then just kept pulling until I couldn't anymore.

After he lead me around a long dimly lit hallway, he showed me to a room. The room had a bed, dresser, and everything you'd expect to be in a bedroom. He tied me to the bed using the leash and left.

I had been sitting there for hours until I saw a different man walk in. He was creepier than the first man. He was a black and gray cat, he had all white eyes, his eyes were full of lust. I was instantly terrified. I was going to be raped, again.

Shadow's POV
I was worried about Sonic, he had been gone a whole day. It was now night, and all of us were looking for him. All of us as in Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and me. Everyone else was too damn busy. Assholes. I wanted to scream, I was scared to lose my Sonukku!! I was worried. I had no fucking idea where the hell he was.

After two hours of searching together, we still hadn't found my poor baby. I hope he's alright, wherever the heck he is. Honestly, what the hell happened?

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