I Think I Know...

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I'm skipping the part where everyone finds out Sonic's alive because I'm to lazy to write it. So Sonic and Shadow told everyone Sonic was alive and they told everyone (as in their friends) about their relationship. Everyone was happy for them. Now everyone knows Sonic's alive, and he's gotten a lot of media attention. Also I'm going by the fact that Sonic's a hero, so I'm making him kind of a celebrity.

Sonic's POV
Shadow and I decided to go walk in the park today, and it wasn't as fun as we expected it to be. I thought the paparazzi would be over me coming back to life. I thought they would've moved on. Boy was I wrong. They surrounded us at the park, and kept asking me questions. Of course I refused to answer them.

About 10 minutes later of being crowded by the paparazzi, I could see Shadow had enough. Before I could calm him he yelled
"Can you guys just leave us the fuck alone?!?! I'm just trying to hang out with Sonic!! Can't you guys go obsess over something else!! Sonic came back from the fucking dead, so what!! Go obsess over one of those selfish diva pop stars or something, or a new boy band!! I don't care, just leave us alone!!"

Geez Shadow was angry, but I see why. So I stepped in
"Yea guys, I just came back from the dead, it happens all the time with us. Please just leave us alone."
Only I was calmer than Shadow, some of them left, but some stayed. So we just decided to go home.

Shadow's POV
The paparazzi are so annoying!! Why couldn't they leave me and Sonic alone. Can't they understand?!?! We just wanted to hang out together!! Ugh!! I hate all of them!! Every single fucking one!!

Sonic snapped me out of my thoughts
"Hey Shadow?"
"Sorry about the paparazzi, I'm kinda famous now I guess. Not everyone comes back from the dead. Again I'm so sorry."
"It's okay babe, it's not your fault."
I kissed his cheek and he blushed.
"Do you think this is what Maria was talking about? The paparazzi? Maybe you're supposed to protect me from them, as crazy as it sounds."

After talking for a little bit about life and stuff we decided on eating dinner and then watching a movie. The movie we found was a horror movie, and Sonic was hugging and cuddling me the whole time. It scared him. Poor baby!!

After our movie we went to bed, we slept together again.

I was the first to wake up this morning, so I decided to make breakfast for us.

Sonic's POV
I woke seeing Shadow was gone, I started to freak out until I smelled something good coming from the kitchen. I knew Shadow was making breakfast. He's a good cook, I'm not. All I can make are chili dogs, popcorn, toast, easy stuff.

I walked downstairs, and saw Shadow in the kitchen. He was getting two plates and putting the food on them.
"Hey! Morning Shads"
"Morning Sonukku"
I giggled a little at that, it sounded cute when he said it.
"Thanks for making breakfast"
"No problem"

We are our breakfast and then went upstairs to get ready to go to Tails house. He said he had something important to talk to us about.

Shadow's POV
When we got to Tails house he looked worried, or concerned, I don't know why though.
"Tails? What's wrong?"
"Umm... Have a seat guys."
"Okay little buddy. Does this have to do with Shadow and I?"
"Umm... Yea, actually it does."

What about us? What could be so wrong about us? He looks so worried? Maybe this is what Maria was talking about.

"Sonic, Shadow, I think the public has caught onto your relationship. After how Shadow reacted to the publicity yesterday, people have been thinking Shadow was trying to protect you Sonic. Fans went crazy, and now there's a debate in the fandom about if you guys are a couple or not." (I know Sonic has fans, he's a celebrity now. It's the only way this will work)

"Okay, Tails, Shadow and I have already talked about it. We're okay with it being public, we're okay with people knowing I'm gay."
"Sonic you don't understand, this is serious."
"How so?"  I asked
"People don't really like gays these days."
"Good thing I'm the only one to deal with it, Shadow's not gay, he's bisexual."  (Sorry that wasn't established before, Sonic's the gay one, Shadow's only Bisexual.)
"Still Sonic, you're dating a boy, fans won't like that."
"I don't care!! They can't tell me what makes me happy, Shadow makes me happy, even is everyone hates me, I'll still love him"  that's was kinda sweet of him, I really have the best boyfriend ever!!

After our long talk with Tails about publicity, Sonic and I decided we were going home. It was interesting, the name fans came up with for us, Sonadow.

Sonic's POV
On our way home we got swarmed by paparazzi and fans. Great, just fucking great. They all were asking us about Sonadow, asking if we were together. We decided to let them figure it out, so we ignored them and kept walking.

We were almost home when a paparazzi, tripped me and I fell. He then grabbed my arm, pinned me down, and told me
"We know you can hear us blue boy, answer our question and stop ignoring us!!"
Geez this dude was mad, Shadow was trying to get him off. I was outraged by him pinning me down but I tried to keep myself under control. Then I looked up to the dude and said
"What's your fucking question then asshole!"
The guy still hadn't gotten off me
"Are you in a relationship with Shadow?"
"Get the fuck off me and I'll answer you!"
"Answer the question and I'll get off"
I just gave the man a look, telling him to get off. Then I saw a spark in his eye. He had an idea, and I didn't think it was a good one. Shadow was trying to get the guy off me, but other paparazzi held him back.

The paparazzi leaned towards me and kissed me. Then I shoved him off before he had the chance to take it further. I yelled at him, making all the paparazzi and fans stop
"What the fuck!!"
I was extremely outraged now
Shadow caught off the paparazzi holding him, and grabbed my arm. He was gentle though, he didn't hurt me.
"What the fuck is your problem dude!!"

That dude better run to the hills Shadow had exploded. He was dead.
Shadow walked up to the guy and grabbed the collar of his shirt.
"So you are in a relationship then?"
Before Shadow got the chance to punch that guy, I grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

After we got into our house, I kissed him passionately. I had to get that guy off my lips. After I broke the kiss I hugged him and started to cry. I didn't like the paparazzi at all, it hurt me that the guy kissed me.

Shadow just hugged me knowing he shouldn't ask questions yet.

After we hugged for awhile, he finally asked
"Are you okay Sonic?"
"Yea, I just hate them"
"I didn't know you could hate"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I thought you were too nice to hate."
"Trust me, I can hate"
"Also Shads, thanks for saving me back there"
"You're welcome babe!"
"I love you Shads, and I always will"
"I love you too Sonukku, and I always will also"

I smiled, it was night so we went to bed. I cuddled with Shadow, and he held me tighter than he ever had before. I kept thinking. Maybe this is what Maria was talking about.

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