One: Hugo

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A/N: This is a series! Please read all books so you don't get confused:

1. Sex  Ed (Completed September 2015)
2. The Roommate (Completed December 2015)
3. Addicted to You (Completed February 2016)
4. My Prince Charming (Completed October 2016)
5. My Guardian Angel (Completed January 2017)
6. Jet Black Heart (Completed March 2017)
7. Troubled Soul (Completed February 2019)

"Yeah boy!" Screaming in joy, Hugo pumped his fist out his window when he reached 90mph. "Beat that you little bitch." Pulling into the local high school he smirked when screeching into a parking space, while dust swirled all around his green mustang. Looking out the window he dramatically sighed when seeing his best friend Perry pull up next to him. "Took you long enough," Hugo said while getting out of his car while putting his sunglasses on over his bright blue eyes.

He watched as Perry got out of his own car, a frown on his face. "I would've had your ass if I didn't get stuck behind a school bus. Fucking kids."

Laughing, Hugo pulled Perry along with him while slowly walking into the school. "Yeah yeah pretty boy, just keep telling yourself that."

When they made their way into the school Hugo slid his sunglasses on top of his shaggy black hair. He smirked again while watching the way people parted out of their way. He loved basically being the king of this dump, being dangerously handsome was just an added bonus. "Hey Hulk," looking up he saw one of his wrestling teammates nodding at him while walking past him.

Instead of replying Hugo nodded while throwing a piece of gum into his mouth. "Seriously dude," Perry said while opening his locker. "How have you not gotten pulled over yet?"

"What can I say," Hugo said while leaning against the lockers while checking out all the females passing by. "I have a way with the law."

He smiled when his best friend rolled his eyes while laughing. "Is that what you call it?"

"Hi Hugo," a random girl with fake blonde hair suddenly said while passing him. Looking up and down her body he nodded in approval before moving his eyes to another female body. He felt his body react when a brunette suddenly came up to him before slowly running her fingers up and down his chest.

"Hi Hugo," she whispered while smiling.

When she left Hugo sighed while running a hand through his hair. Glancing over at Perry he smiled while seeing his friend staring at him in disbelief. "You're ridiculous."

"You're just jealous that you didn't get laid last night." With that he pushed himself off the wall before starting to walk down the hallway.

"What the hell man? With who? How? Good?"

Spitting his gum out into a nearby trashcan Hugo said, "Katie Michaels, Anal, damn good." With that he walked into their first class, laughing when Perry looked like a fish out of water.

After sitting in his seat he sighed while leaning back in the uncomfortable metal seat while their teacher started talking about random facts that happened like a million years ago. Already bored he let his eyes wander around the room. Most of the girls made eye contact with him and smiled, which made him smile in return. His eyes then landed on Cameron Yeager, who was sitting in the back. He was the only person actually taking notes, what a nerd. Rolling his eyes Hugo glanced out the window, trying to ignore the way his stomach was angrily growling.

When lunch rolled around he grabbed random items, not really paying attention. After sitting down at his usual table he smiled while seeing all of his wrestling friends' rough housing with each other, not caring if they were being really loud. Just as he was about to place a piece of turkey into his mouth, Katie Michaels was suddenly sitting on his lap. "Hey Hulk," she whispered while leaning down to kiss his neck.

Sex Ed (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now