Chapter Fifteen: Cameron/ Hugo

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"So let me guess this straight." Looking up, Cameron watched Perry continue to pace around the living room, popping M&Ms into his mouth. "He sets up an incredibly romantic night in the park, kissed you, and he hasn't asked you out?"

Leaning back on the couch Cameron sighed while saying, "No. And we graduate in two weeks! What's going to happen after that? I mean I thought he wanted to be with me, but now I'm not too sure."

Hearing a high pitched cry he looked over to see Humphrey starting to cry his head off. Picking the baby off the couch he held him close to his body while Perry said, "I believe one hundred percent that Hugo likes you. I think he just might be afraid of commitment. You know him, he's been around. But he's never settled down."

"Why would he kiss me and then never say anything about it? I hate boys."

"So do I." Looking up he saw Cleo walk into the room, her face hiding underneath the hood of her sweatshirt.

"Hey hey!" Perry said while putting more candy into his mouth.

Cameron watched Cleo slowly walk over to his couch before sitting down on the far end. Giving her a smile he was about to get up when she whispered, "Can I hold him?" She asked while nodding towards Humphrey.

Passing Humphrey over to his sister he smiled while watching her told the tiny baby. As he was about to say something he watched Perry sit in between them while saying, "What's shakin bacon? Not like boys?"

"People aren't very nice at my school," Cleo said while holding Humphrey close to her chest.

"It'll get better," Cameron said while glancing over at her. "I promise."

"Just wait until you find the perfect friend," Perry said while finishing his M&Ms.

"I'm not sure I'll ever find one."

"Oh please," Perry said while rolling his eyes. "You're adorable, you're a great person and you have amazing hair."

Smiling, Cameron looked between them before staring up at the ceiling. With a yawn he closed his eyes before drifting off to a dreamless sleep. When his eyes reopened he blinked a few times before looking across the room to see Cleo and Perry sitting on the floor with Humphrey. Glancing towards the TV he saw Tangled playing, making him smile.

Slowly getting up he walked towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. While he started walking back towards the living room he glanced outside to see his parents watering the garden. They looked so happy together, laughing as they sprayed each other with water. Looking at their happy faces was making Cameron frown. Other people were able to have relationships and be with people, why couldn't that happen to him? He couldn't understand why Hugo was messing with his emotions. He couldn't understand why just for once he couldn't be someone's first choice.

Running up the nearby steps he ran into the nearest door he could find. Falling down onto the floor, Cameron wiped his tear filled eyes while resting his head onto the toilet. Glancing down at his hands he sighed while tears started running down his cheeks. Thinking about Hugo made another frown form onto his face.

I'm done, he thought while standing up and looking at his face in the mirror. I'm done with Hugo. I'm done with waiting. I'm just done. Wiping tears off of his cheeks he took a deep breath before walking back down to the living room. Even though he said he was done with Hugo, he still couldn't miss the sadness starting to form in his heart. 


Popping a piece of gum into his mouth, Hugo walked into the cafeteria. Spotting Perry and Cam at their usual table he walked over before sitting down, stealing half of Perry's sandwich in the process. "Hey!" Perry said while putting his hands onto his hips. "I am a growing boy!"

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