Chapter Eight: Hugo/ Cameron

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Staring down at Cam's limp body, Hugo continued to frown. When Cam fainted in front of him, he had panicked and called 911. Once they got to the hospital his parents were called, who looked very stressed out. When his parents came out, he was informed that Cam had torn some ligaments in his shoulder. He wasn't exactly sure why he had fainted, it could have been from stress or because he had been in excruciating pain.

So here he was, sitting next to the guy who had kissed him hours before. Rubbing a hand over his face he heavily sighed, not understanding why Cam did what he did. Why did he come over, obviously stressed out, talking nonsense before kissing him? Nothing had been making sense to him lately, and all these new feelings on top of everything didn't help.

He felt awkward when he first saw his parents, one of his dads giving him a disgusted look while the other one half smiled at him. He didn't understand it, what had he done? He would have thought that his parents would have been grateful that he was around Cam when he fainted.

When he heard heavy breathing he looked up to see Cam slowly opening his eyes. "Hey," Hugo whispered while leaning over to move some curls out of those brown eyes.

"What happened?" Cam whispered while looking down at his arm, which was in a sling.

"You tore some ligaments in your shoulder. Are you feeling okay, do you feel any pain?"

He watched as Cam shook his head before saying, "About earlier, look just forget about it."

"It's okay Cam we can talk abo-"

"First off my name is Cameron not Cam," he said while not making eye contact. "Also, just forget everything that had happened. I thought I wanted something but it turns out I didn't."

Feeling his face drop, Hugo backed away while dejectedly saying, "Oh."

"We're just friends. Nothing more. Not like I'd ever want to do anything with you."

Frowning, Hugo stood up saying, "Oh. Yeah, sure. I get it. Yeah. Uhm, feel better. I'll see you at school." With that he slowly backed out of the room, trying to get the weird feeling out of his stomach. Walking out of the hospital he slumped towards his car, not sure how he was feeling. Isn't this what he wanted, for things to go back to normal? Even if he wanted things to go back to normal why was he feeling so... weird?

Once he was finally home he walked into his room to start punching his punching bag, suddenly feeling angry. Why did Cam get to come over to his house, kiss him, and then get to act like he didn't like him at all? It wasn't fair, and it wasn't fair that he was feeling like this.

Breathing heavily he continued punching the bag until his knuckles were bleeding. Sitting down onto his bed he realized Humphrey was on the ground. Grabbing the baby off the bed he wiped some dirt off of Humphrey's face before throwing him across the room, anger filling his veins.

Putting his hands into his hair he groaned while falling backwards onto his bed, needing a distraction. Pulling his phone out of his pocket he randomly picked a number to call, smiling when he heard Josie on the phone. That night was filled with angry sex, lots of booze and a screaming baby.


"Hulk. Hugo. HUGO!" Looking up he saw his coach blowing his whistle, waiving his arms to get him to stop. Glancing down he realized he had been pinning Perry roughly to the ground. "Enough! He's been down for 5 minutes."

Getting off his best friend, he wiped the sweat off his forehead while hearing Perry say, "What the hell man?"


"What is your problem? I could barely move!"

"You're fine," Hugo said while rolling his eyes as he walked towards the locker room.

When he was done changing he walked towards his car, not bothering to stop and talk to anyone. Before he got inside he suddenly saw someone walking towards him. Looking up he saw Cam walking towards him, Zoe hanging off of his good arm. "Here," Cam said while throwing Humphrey towards him.

Catching the baby in his hands, he didn't say anything while he got into his car. As he was pulling out of his parking spot he saw Zoe basically sticking her tongue down Cam's throat. Tightening his fingers on the steering wheel, Hugo swallowed before turning his radio up louder, trying to tune out his breaking heart.


"You're so cute when you laugh." Looking up, Cameron smiled while seeing Zoe smiling down at him, while straddling him on the couch. "I just want to eat you up."

"Thanks," he mumbled while looking around her at the TV. When he realized just the news was on he looked down at his arm, which instantly made him frown. He hated not being able to throw a baseball, or practice with his teammates. The doctor had told him he needed to rest, which meant he needed to stop playing for a while. That news was heartbreaking to him, baseball was something that made him smile, it made him breathe, it made him live. Since he didn't have baseball anymore he didn't know what he had in his life, he didn't know what to do.

He zoned back in when he felt lips kissing his neck, realizing that Zoe was still straddling him, making him realize that he was actually dating his best friend. He knew he had been cold to Hugo in the hospital room, but he needed him to just go away. Once he made his mind up about dating Zoe, he knew he needed to start distancing himself from Hugo, but why did he feel so bad?

"Zoe?" Looking up he saw his dad walking into the living room, holding a bag full of groceries as a very confused look flashed across his face.

"Oh, hi Mr. Yeager," she said while quickly getting off his lap.

"Where's Hugo? I figured you would be with him," his dad said while continuing to give him a strange look.

"Who knows."

With that he continued to stare blankly at the news, not caring if Zoe was grabbing his hand or that his dad was still looking at him weirdly. Grabbing some chips next to him he remained quiet while watching his dad leave the room.

After a couple of hours being silent with Zoe, he watched as she pulled him towards the front door before kissing him. With that he watched as she left, wondering how Hugo was doing with Humphrey. No, stop thinking like that, he thought while starting to walk towards the kitchen.

He stopped when he heard his parents talking. Stopping outside the kitchen he heard his dad say, "Why is he with Zoe?"

"I'm not sure," his father said.

"It's probably from what you said to him. How could you say all those things? He may have actually been falling for Hugo, and you went and had to be a complete idiot!"

"Listen, I don't want my son hanging out with a guy with Hugo."

"And why is that?"

"Because Cameron is better than that!" His father basically yelled.

"Do you know anything about Hugo? No, because you didn't take the time to get to know him! If Cameron saw him as a friend, you know he isn't a bad guy. You need to give people a chance Wes; I'm getting real sick of you."

He then watched as his dad stormed out of the kitchen, his father following quickly behind. Looking down at his hands, Cameron sighed before running out of the house. Driving over to Hugo's, he started walking up to the door before seeing Hugo kissing a brunette in the front window. Frowning, he turned around before heading back to his house.

Once home he went straight to bed, burying his face into a pillow. He sighed while wondering what his problem was; he had started to hate himself lately. Sighing, he wrapped his blanket around himself while starting to fall asleep. When his phone beeped he sleepily grabbed it to see, Hey I'm sorry to bother you. Can you take Humphrey this weekend? I'm going out of town.

Feeling himself frown, he responded a quick yes, not caring who Hugo was going out with. If he didn't care, why did it feel like his heart was breaking?

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