Chapter Eleven: Cameron/ Hugo

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Classes had definitely been awkward, since he had to ignore his two best friends. His father told him that he basically told them off, and said that he didn't want to see them at his house ever again. While he still had Hugo who would talk to him in the hallways, he still felt really alone. He didn't realize how lonely he felt until he walked into the cafeteria.

Looking towards his usual table he frowned while seeing Zoe and Harry talking to each other. Rubbing the back of his neck he started to feel his heart beat faster, knowing that he didn't have a place to sit. Why did high school have to be like a soap opera?

Just as he was turning around to go into the library he was greeted by a smiling Perry. "Hey Cam!"

"Oh, hey."

"You okay?" He asked while glancing towards Zoe and Harry.

Frowning, he looked down at his sling while opening his mouth to say something, and quickly shutting it. "Want to sit with us?" Perry happily asked. Before he was able to make a decision, he watched as Perry took his good arm in his hand while saying, "Come on! They're serving chicken nuggets today. Not sure if they're actually chicken, or nuggets. What even are nuggets? It's not like there's a nugget on a chicken... right?"

He had no idea how to respond, he simply smiled while sitting down at a table in the back. "Want me to grab you some nuggets?" Perry asked while eagerly standing up.

"No, I'm okay. I'm not really that hungry," he said while sadly glancing over to Zoe and Harry."

"Alright, I'll be right back."

He watched as Perry walked/practically ran away. Man someone was eager to get those chicken nuggets. He only had to be alone at the table for a few seconds before someone sat in the seat next to him. Looking up he saw Hugo smiling at him. "Hey."


"You okay?" Hugo asked while starting to take his sweatshirt off.

"Not really," he said while glancing back over at his former best friends.

He watched Hugo glance in the same direction, a frown forming into his face. "You don't deserve people like that in your life."

He jumped when two large plates of chicken nuggets suddenly landed on the table next to him. Looking up he watched Perry sit down, already shoving food into his mouth. "And you wonder why you're single," Hugo said while rolling his eyes.

"Oh blah," Perry said while rolling his eyes. "And I was going to give you some of these."

"You got some for me? This is why you're my best friend," Hugo said while stealing a couple nuggets.

Cameron couldn't keep the smile off of his face as he watched those two banter. When the first lunch bell rang he slowly stood up before saying, "Uhm Hugo about tonight, is it okay if I take a rain check?"

"Is everything okay?" Hugo asked as they were walking out of the cafeteria.

"I may have gotten grounded. Sorry."

"Don't apologize," he said while smiling at him.

"Cameron Yeager please report to the principle's office," they suddenly heard from the overhead speakers.

Scrunching his eyebrows together he asked, "I wonder why I have to go there?"

"Maybe they want your autograph," Perry said while finishing the last of his chicken nuggets. "Anyway you two crazy kids have fun," he said while wiggling his eyebrows before walking away.

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