Chapter Fourteen: Cameron

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"Cameron, can you come down here?" Groaning, Cameron sluggishly pulled himself out of bed when his dad called him. Slowly walking down the stairs he rubbed his eyes while walking into the living room. He stopped when he saw his parents sitting next to each other on one couch, with Cleo on the other.

"Morning," his father said with a smile while nodding towards the couch. "Mind sitting down?"

Sitting next to Cleo on the couch he watched his parents smile at them, while holding each others hands. "Cleo, we have loved having you here," his father said with a gentle smile.

"Here is comes," Cleo suddenly whispered beside him.

"And we were wondering how you felt about joining our family?" His dad asked with a large smile.

Glancing over at Cleo, Cameron frowned when he saw the look on her face. She didn't look excited or happy; she looked like she expected the news. "Sure," she said with practically no emotion.

His parents didn't seem to mind, the smiles on their faces simply grew wider. He was sure he saw tears in both of his parents' eyes as they came over and sat around them. After sitting with his parents for a while longer, Cameron watched as they went into the kitchen to start making something to eat.

When they were finally alone he slowly turned back towards Cleo, who was staring down at her hands. "Are you not happy you're going to be part of this family?"

Cleo turned towards him, her large eyes staring up at him with no emotion. He watched as she started running her fingers through her hair before saying, "Do you know what all these different colors mean? Every single color represents a different family that has 'adopted' me. They each promised they would be different from the last. They each promised that they would love me forever, and that this would be my forever home. That was all a lie. Every single family lied to me. Every single family sent me back to the foster home. So, why is this family going to be any different? I can tell you, it won't be. Nothing will be different. They'll get sick of me after a few months and then they'll send me back. I'll start thinking of a new color to put in my hair."

"Cleo, no," Cameron said while turning towards her. "My parents as well as myself, want you here. I've been dreaming about having a sister for as long as I can remember. This family isn't like any of those other families, we want you Cleo. Please realize that, my parents weren't joking when they said they wanted you to be a part of this family. I want you to be here, you aren't going anywhere."

He fell silent when he watched her roll her brown eyes before scooting away from him. "I'm giving it two months."

"Lunch is ready!" Looking up Cameron saw his dad enter the living room, smiling while waving a spatula around in his hand.

Following Cleo into the kitchen, Cameron frowned while not being able to get what Cleo said out of his mind. Glancing over at his sister he frowned more, not knowing how to show her she was meant to be in this family. Staring down at his pasta, he frowned, when he should be smiling.


Ding. What was that? It was probably nothing. Ding. That was definitely something. Ding. What the hell? Opening his eyes, Cameron looked over to his clock to see it was 4:30 in the morning, making him groan. When he realized something was being thrown at his window he stumbled over to the window. Looking down he saw Hugo standing in his yard, throwing small pebbles at the glass.

Opening the window he stuck his head out to ask, "What are you doing?"

"That really worked? Awesome, I thought that only worked in movies," Hugo said while smiling as he continued to throw rocks.

"Look genius I'm already here, stop throwing rocks."

"Man someone is grumpy."

Running a hand over his face Cameron sighed while asking, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to see you." Those five words made butterflies swarm in the pit of his stomach as he felt a blush creep onto his cheeks. "Come down."

"Okay," he whispered while biting his bottom lip.

Walking through his dark house he ended up outside, where he didn't see Hugo. Running his hands over his bare arms he looked around his yard while whispering, "Hugo?"

Shivering, he was about to head back inside when he suddenly felt arms wrap around him from behind. He started laughing when Hugo picked him up and swung him around. He then watched as Hugo gently laid his body down onto the ground, leaning over him.

Glancing up into those blue eyes he smiled when he watched Hugo move some curls out of his face. "Why are you never dressed properly?" Hugo asked while taking his jacket off and putting it on top of him.

"I like to sleep in tang tops." I also like you. "So why are you here, it's almost five in the morning."

"I've been up for a while. Hazel is still at my house and we've all been hanging out."

"I'm so glad you're getting along with your mom."

He watched Hugo smile down at him while saying, "I'm glad too. Do you want to go somewhere with me?"

"At four thirty in the morning?"

"Come on," Hugo said while standing up and pulling his body up.

Glancing back towards his dark house, he started biting his bottom lip while putting Hugo's jacket on. When he looked back over at Hugo he took a deep breath before walking behind Hugo. When he heard a noise next to him he made a very unmanly noise while grabbing Hugo's hand.

"It's okay," Hugo whispered while pulling him closer to his body.

Smiling, Cameron snuggled closer to his body while they continued to walk down the street. When they had been walking for a while he was about to ask if he was going to be murdered when he suddenly saw something lit up in the distance. When he realized they were walking into the park he suddenly became nervous before Hugo squeezed his hand.

When they walked into the park, Cameron stopped walking when he saw a picnic table with lights on it. "Whoa," he whispered while looking at the table, which had a small basket on top of it.

He watched Hugo walk up to the basket before grabbing a small tub. Smiling, he watched as Hugo pulled him over to the table before he sat down. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, he looked to see ice cream inside of the small tub.

"How... how did you do this?"

Cameron smiled while watching as Hugo sat down next to him before grabbing a remote out of the basket. Soft music was suddenly playing as the lights were twinkling all around them. "Oh my god."

"Here," Hugo said while holding a spoon up to his mouth. "Hazel taught me how to make banana ice cream. I'm not sure if its any good. But I made up a batch for you."

As the spoon went into his mouth he sighed, loving the way the ice cream felt on his tongue. When he looked up he saw Hugo smiling at him, while running his thumb over his cheek. "Wow, this is so good. You made this? For me?"

"Yes," Hugo said with a smile as he continued to feed him ice cream.

"I can't believe you did all of this for me. This really is too nice, and I love banana ice cream! How did you know? Was it because of Perry? I bet he told you right? I knew it would be-"

His rant was suddenly stopped when Hugo leaned forward to gently place his lips onto his. Closing his eyes, Cameron tried to stop his heart from beating so quickly, but that wasn't possible when Hugo pulled him closer.

Wrapping his arms around Hugo's neck he pulled him even closer, loving the way Hugo's lips felt on his own. He loved the way Hugo's stubble felt against his face, and how he smelled very strongly of peaches. His eyes suddenly opened when he felt Hugo tickling his sides. Laughing loudly he looked up at the twinkling lights above him as the soft music played around them. Cameron wasn't sure what was happening, but he wondered if it was love. He also wondered if Hugo wanted to be with him.  

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