Chapter 1: Wait

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This story is in Kyle's point of view.

I walked down the street that I grew up on, the fall air crisp and cold in my lungs. I smiled as the light snow fell, reminding me that there still is some beauty in this world. Despite the wars, the children going hungry, tax exemption, the usual crap that takes place here.

My little brother Ike trailed behind me, keeping his eyes on the ground. Lately people have been bullying him for being Canadian and Jewish, I just wish people would see his true potential.

I neared the bus stop, my friends and Cartman were already there. "Hey Jew!" Eric said. I rolled my eyes and stood next to Kenny. He smiled at me, and quickly looked at the ground.
"Did you see Terrance and Phillip last night guys? It was pretty cool guys. Guys." Eric said.

Nobody responded to him, we learned a few years back that if you don't respond he'll just eventually shut up.

We stood in silence for the first time in a very long while. Normally, somebody has some crazy idea that we all agree to. Or somebody starts an argument and we all choose sides. All that changed since our first year of high school.

Last year was our Freshman year, we were excited to finally be old enough to get into dirtier movies, go to parties, or for me just more advanced literature. But it was last year that things changed completely. Cartman ended up bullying more people than just us, he branched out to bullying the middle schoolers and the loner kids.

Stan, well, apparently he got more attractive. He's always been the one to get girlfriends, but I had never saw anything like what happened before. It was just like you see in the movies- the boy walks down the hall, every girl turned their head and melted at the sight of him. It felt like every female in the building was giggling over the cute new freshy.

Kenny grew out of his favorite coat about two years ago, it may not seem like a big deal but... To him it was. His family is very poor and it wouldn't have been easy to get him a new one. He's really cold in the winters now, and looks forward to summer every snowy day of the year.

The bus screeched to a halt in front of me, pulling me out of my thoughts and back into the crisp winter morning of my first day as a sophomore.

"C'mon Kyle, the bus is here." Stan playfully punched my shoulder. He smiled and got into the bus, followed by girls shouting for him to sit next to them.

This is going to be one long Bus ride.

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