Chapter 10: Eric's plan

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Eric's POV

I rubbed my eyes, sitting up in bed. I can't believe we have to wake up at this god forsaken hour. 6 am is too early for me, I hate that High School starts at 7:30. I glanced out the window to see that it hasn't rained or snowed at all last night, even though the news said that it would. "Fucking Hippy ass small news stations messing up my day." I cursed to myself. I didn't want to have to go to school.

Sliding off my bed, I grabbed my red winter coat and beige jeans off of the floor. I never cleaned it, that was my Mom's job. I walked across the hall to the bathroom, putting my clothes on in the process, I opened the small door and went inside. I reached for the comb. My hair was always messy when I woke up, but if I keep it messy everyone calls me a hippy. I hate hippies.

I saw my mom step outside the front front door. She grabbed this morning's mail and stepped back inside, closing the door. I looked away and back to the T.V. Terrance and Phillip is still the best show in the world, even though those fags I used to hang out with hate it now.

"I found something outside, Hun. It's not addressed to me. Maybe it's for you?" She set down a slightly damp crumpled piece of paper on the couch. I grabbed it and unfolded it, uninterested about what it had to say. Mom walked away.

I read slowly, getting more excited as I progressed. "Oh, my, God." I smiled, "Kyle is such a fag! I knew it, mom! See? Didn't I tell you!" I jumped up, pointing at the paper excitedly.

"Yes, Hun. Finish your second bowl of cereal before you get ready for school." My mom chirped, peeking her head in from the kitchen.


I grabbed my backpack and ran outside- this was going to be good! I finally had the chance to humiliate Kyle in front of the whole school. Maybe even the whole town. I looked down at my hands, I held 20 copies of the gay love note. I had to leave early so I could make a few stops.

Finally, I neared the community billboard. On it I saw the usual store advertisements and missing dog posters. I quickly set my backpack down and removed the stapler I had brought with me. "This is going to be sweet." I whispered to myself.

"Eric? What are you doing?" I heard from behind me. I could recognize that bitchy voice anywhere, it was Wendy.

"Weak." I bit my lip, standing up and turning to her. "You see Wendy Testaburger, I am humiliating the fags. Oh, sorry, you don't know them by that yet." I coughed loudly. "Stan and Kyle."

"They're... Gay?" She squinted her eyes and turned her head. "So Stan and I were never anything?" Her voice became shaky with anger. Suddenly, she grabbed about half of the copies in my hand. "C'mon fatass, let's get revenge." She smiled.

"Sweet." I nodded, stapling the paper in my hand on the billboard.


"Shh we have to go quick." Wendy shushed, ushering me into the guidance counselor's office. He was out on break, now was our chance. We already hung all the copies around town, now is the time to embarrass them school wide.

"Wait." Wendy said, staring at the counselor's desk. It had two slips of paper on it, from Stan and Kyle's moms. "They're not even here today." She frowned.

"Even better, when they come back tomorrow they will know what everyone is talking about!" I grabbed her shoulders excitedly. "But we have to do this quick." I cleared my throat and turned the intercom mic on.

"Hello fellow Students. My name is Eric Cartman, and I have a funny story to tell you-" the door creaked open behind us.

"Oh, shit!" Wendy exclaimed, running out of the office.

"Eric." Mr. Mackey started. His eyes were sad, but he didn't want to show it. "I'll talk to you about this situation later, M'kay. But right now I need to tell you that one of your friends is in the hospital," He paused, rubbing his nose on his sleeve. "M'kay."

"What?" I said. "Why the hell would I care, I don't even talk to those fags." I laughed, shutting off the intercom.

"It's Kenny."

My breath hitched as I stared at the old man, Kenny.

"...Kenny." I whispered, glancing out the window.

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