Chapter 9: Kyle's Letter

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Kyle's POV

There is nothing between Kenny and I. It was a mistake on my part, I tripped, he caught me. No big deal. He doesn't even feel the same way about me. He's a real man whore, he'd do any woman that walked down the street. Any woman. He was just comforting me, and I appreciated it.

My phone buzzed. Glancing at the lock screen, I saw my Instagram blow up with notifications. "What the hell?" I whispered, picking up my iPhone. Stan just broke up with his ex-girlfriend, and she's blaming it on me. She's on my profile commenting rude things on all my pictures. "What a bitch." I tossed my phone on the floor, letting the notifications buzz.

I glanced at my bedside table, nobody has ever seen what's in there but me. Nobody else knows what's in there, or could imagine what I had done. I got up, and opened the small drawer. Inside I saw the hundreds of tiny letters I had written to people all throughout my life. It wasn't snowing tonight, but the air was crisp.

I haven't done this in a long time because it was a childish thing to do, but I desperately wanted my childhood innocence back. I wanted to feel free again, back before I knew what it really meant. Slowly, I took out a half sheet of blank paper, and wrote a letter to Stan.

Stan, I see you took my advice with your girlfriend. Looks like it ended up hurting me in the end, too. Is this what you wanted, Stan? Is this how you wanted our friendship to die? Over a girl? What about the promises we made as children. That we would never let others get in-between us. Now look at us. Alone and afraid. I told you I would follow you anyplace you wanted to go, but I got lost behind you.

I'm so sorry Stan. I love you more than you could know.

I finished the letter. Tears forming in my eyes, I folded it into a paper airplane. Just like I did when I was a kid. Weakly, I slid my window open, and looked out onto the street. The house across from me was Cartman's, hopefully this letter will get ruined on the wet ground before he gets his grubby hands on it.

I pulled my hand back, and with a slight flick of the wrist I let my paper airplane fly. I watched it sail into the dark, twisting and turning with the wind. My breath hitched as I saw it flop to the ground, right in front of Cartman's door. For sure he would see it now.

But what does it matter, if he told everyone it wouldn't effect my relationship with Stan in the slightest- he hates me anyway. I sighed, falling onto my bed. It was like I was trapped in a bubble. I could see what was going on around me but I couldn't do or say anything to change it.

It isn't even like he argument was over something huge. It was just about Stan's bad relationship habits, how stupid are we. Letting teenage decisions rule our lives. I rolled over, gently closing my eyes. The buzzing of notifications had stopped awhile ago. The bitch must've gotten tired.

One last buzz rang through my ears, I felt compelled to check this one in particular. It was Stan- he liked my photo. I thought that he blocked me? I shook it out of my head. That doesn't matter, I need to sleep.

I took off my jeans, throwing them to the floor and climbing underneath the covers.

This is what my life has become.

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