Chapter 8: Stan's Song

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If I made up to him now, things might never be the same. We had never fought like that. I never wanted this to happen, he was my best friend for such a long time.  Maybe Kyle was right. I always acted like such a jerk to him. I never payed any attention to his thoughts or desires, it was all about trying to make myself happy. But what about Kenny, I saw them at lunch today. They practically fondled each other.

I shook the thoughts of Kyle out of my head, I have to keep working on my song.

"And oh, it feels so strange. One minute love, then powered by rage. If you love me, fly to space. I will meet you there... Someday." It sounds too gay. Sighing, I set down my guitar. All the songs I've been trying to write are for my new girlfriend. But they always end up being for... Kyle. I can't love him. He'd never forgive me for acting so stupid. Hell, I can't even forgive myself.

All this time, every new girlfriend, every new fling, has all been a lie. I've been denying a major part of myself for a long time, and I plan to keep the act up for as long as I live. Nobody can know.

I fell on my bed, staring up at my ceiling. I need a drink...


I took another sip, wildly smiling as I stumbled towards my phone. Kenny is a good guy, I should call him. I scrolled through my contacts, there he is! My bro for life, Ken-doll.

"Uh, Hello?" Kenny answered my call, slightly confused.

"Dude, I need to tell you something." I took a deep breath, holding in the grunting noises I was making.

"Oh. Um. Alright? I'll be right over." He answered, after a second of thinking. Good he's coming over, I can talk to my good buddy again.

About 10 minutes later, Kenny climbed through my window in a costume I hadn't seen in years. "Kenny, dude, why are you wearing your underwear on top of purple leggings?" I laughed.

"...I don't fucking ask why you're wearing god damn jeans and a T-shirt, do I Stan?" Kenny, replied, angry.

"Well it's just more normal-" I started, drool coming out the side of my mouth as I shrugged.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe this is normal for me? God damn it Stan, other people's normals are different than yours. Just get used to it, gawl."

"Heehee, you sound like my Dad-" I giggled, suddenly wide eyed I exclaimed "did you know my Dad is Lorde?" Kenny stepped towards me, frowning.

"Stan, are you drunk?" He was mad. I don't know why, though. What did I ever do to him?

"Why are you wearing that silly mask?" I asked, tearing it off of my friend. I expected to see his luscious dirty blonde hair, but instead I saw a shiny bald head. "How come you're bald?"

Tears rose in his eyes, and he sat down on my bed. He grabbed the black ski mask I had in my hands and quickly put it back on. "I just, decided to shave it that's all." He was less mad now, more sad than anything.

I realized what I had done. Even though I was drunk, I knew that I had hurt him somehow. I should tell him my secret. "Kenny I need to tell you something." I looked down, holding my hands behind my back.

"What? Why would you want to tell me anything. I'm best friends with Kyle and you hate him, remember?" Kenny looked away from me, bringing his legs up to his chest.

"I like boys." I bit my lip, looking up at him.

"W-what." He locked eyes with me, tightening the grasp on his legs. "You have a girlfriend, you've had so many."

"I don't want to like boys. But I do. I know my Dad won't accept me if he knew." I sadly sat down next to him, reaching out my finger to his nose. "Boop." I said, bopping his nose slightly. He took his arms off of his legs and pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay, Stan. I'll still be your friend." Kenny said nervously, breathing into my ear lightly. I pulled back, and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you Kenny." I looked into his eyes.

His eyes widened, and he looked sick. "I uh, I have to go to the bathroom." Kenny stood up and left my room quickly. Not even saying goodbye.

"Fuck you, you're an asshole though!" I shouted at him as he left me. I grabbed my phone and looked through Instagram. I found the profile that I've been stalking lately, and liked his most recent selfie. A tear rolled down my cheek. It landed on the screen, directly on Kyle's username.
"I love you."

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