Chapter 11: Kenny Dies

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I munched lazily on my breakfast cereal, my eyes half open and mind half awake. Sighing, I glanced at the T.V. Ike was watching old episodes of Terrance and Phillip while eating waffles. Every once and a while, I heard him lightly chuckle.

It was Friday, I could do whatever I wanted this morning. Play video games for awhile, read books, work on the new science project, really anything was open. I finished the last bite of cereal and walked to the kitchen.

"...oh my god! How's he doing?" My Mom asked into the phone. Probably just another gossip story from one of her friends- no big deal. I put my dish in the sink and glanced back at my mom, now her hand was covering her mouth. She hung up the phone, and looked up at me.

"Kyle..." Her words wobbled, uneasy and fragile. "Your friend, Kenny-"

"What about him?" I interrupted, worried as hell.

"He's in the hospital. He... He has had cancer for the past year. And he's not looking too good." She shook her head. "You should head down there to see him, bubala." She walked over to me, and put her hand on my shoulder.

My mouth gaped wide in shock, Kenny can't have cancer... He would've told me! I was his best friend! I covered my mouth, I have to get there soon. I ran out of the kitchen, and burst through the front door without my coat.

Almost sobbing, I ran down the street into down town, it was never busy so I wasn't worried about cars. Soon, I spotted the old Hell's Pass hospital, I could only assume that's the hospital that Kenny was at.

I looked both ways and ran across the street. I slowed down, catching my breath as I neared the entrance. Wiping my face off with my hands, I pushed open the front doors. Elevator music played in the waiting room full of family and patients alike. I quickly walked up to the front desk.

"Excuse me, sir." I breathed. "I need to see Kenny McCormick..." He nodded and flipped through the pages of the 'inpatients' book.

"Room 240." He stated, and got back to whatever occupied him before I walked up.

I put my hands in my jean's pockets, slowly walking to the elevator. I needed to see him. He just couldn't die on me like that, could he? The elevator doors opened when I stepped towards them and I got inside. I was the only one in here, alone with my thoughts.

I pressed the second floor button, and prepared myself for what I was about to see. The last couple months he has been acting strangely... Skipping some days of school. Rapidly losing weight. Throwing up in class... How did I not notice something was wrong?

The elevator dinged, I had reached the 2nd floor. An elderly woman waited outside the elevator for her turn going down. I excused myself and walked around her. Walking fast and glancing at the room numbers as I passed by. 238... 239... 240!

Kenny's mom and dad were outside his room, crying in each other's arms. Telling each other that he'd be okay. I patted Mrs. McCormick on the back and entered Kenny's room.

Stan was already here, sitting in a chair, head in his hands. Kenny laid there, pale and distant. He looked over at me, and smiled. "Kyle..." He coughed. "Could you get me a drink of water?" I clamped my mouth shut, nodded slowly and walked towards his bed. Holding back tears, I grabbed his water cup and poured a new glass for him.

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