Chapter 13: Parental Guidance Suggested

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(A/N Quick Sorry to everyone for taking so long With this chapter I kinda forgot about this book)

My breath hitched as I realized what was happening. I felt Stan's slim fingers dance on my chest, slowly getting lower. I looked up at his face, my gaze meeting his eyes. He bit his lip, holding himself back from going too fast. The hand that once firmly grasped my ass was now in my curly red hair. He stared at me with passion as he brought us together.

I was tight in his arms as we kissed passionately. He pulled me on top of him, separating us for a few seconds. I breathed heavily, dazed but oh so ready for what was happening. He started to laugh, his eyes squinted at the edges from the idiotic grin on his face. I giggled, resting my head on his chest.

His door creaked open, the hallway light shone in and I swung my head to the door in shock. There stood Stan's dad. Mr. Marsh closed the door a few moments later and went back to whatever he was doing. I felt Stan's chest lower slowly as he breathed out, relieved.

"What just happened." I gawked, rolling off of Stan.

"I don't know." He laughed.

"STANLY MARSH." Sharon crashed through the door. "What the HELL do you think you're doing?" She flicked the light on and stormed over to us. I stared in shock, not knowing how to respond. Sharon pointed at me and continued yelling at Stan. She paced around the room and gestured to Sparky, who was now awake and was just as confused as us.

"But mom, why does it matter." Stan calmly asked.

"Well..." She started, glancing at the door. Randy stepped in and put his hands behind his back.

"Why does it matter, Sharon? All I said was Kyle is in Stan's room probably making out a bit and you freak out." He reached out to her. "You know Kyle's a good kid, they've been friends for years."

Stan's mom sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You're right. I'm sorry for being angry. I just wasn't expecting that... After all those girlfriends.... That Stan was gay."

I looked over at Stan, wide eyed. It was at least 3 am on a school night and I'm sitting on my best friend's bed, half naked, gay as hell, and his dad was totally cool with it. His face flushed, looking at his dad. "How come you told mom that we were probably making out?"

"Well, Kyle WAS on top of you."

"UH- WHAT." Sharon gawked, making eye contact with me. "It's okay, it's okay." She shook her head. "Kyle, does your mom know that you're here?"

"Um. Well she doesn't know, but. Well. I..." I pulled Stan's grey sheet over me a little more, covering my shoulders.

She shook her head, walking towards the door. "I'm sorry boys, I have to call Sheila."

"Sharon, wait. They're teenagers. They do this stuff all the time! Remember when I'd sneak through your window? Sharon?" Mr. Marsh exited Stan's room after her, leaving Stan and I alone again.

I brought my hands up to my face, realizing that Sharon was probably telling my parents how flamingly gay I was right then. "Dude, I'm totally fucked." I started to cry, my parents will never understand. They've always been against this kind of stuff. They could never say it out loud though, no. That would ruin their image. Stan shook his head, grabbing my tear stained hands away from my face.

"I have no idea what's going on right now, or how your parents will react. But I want you to know that we are going to get through this together, okay? You're not alone in this. I'm not alone in this. We have each other to hold even though the others will never understand. Kyle, I love you. I love you and I will never get tired of saying it now that I can. You made me promise you that I wouldn't drink again after Kenny's death but I couldn't take losing both of you. Now that you're here with me I truly believe that we can accomplish anything."  Stan took a deep breath, holding in his own tears. He truly believed that even if the worst happened, we could get through it. Together.


"But Dad I love him!" I cried, pointing at the front door. He refused to accept I was gay. He refused to accept that I, his oldest son, loved Stan. At first my mom was against it also, but Randy convinced her that us boys would be okay together. Randy, Sharon, and my Mom tried to convince my Dad that we had been best friends for years and that I would be okay, and that Stan would be okay. But my dad wasn't concerned about my well being, he was concerned about his image as a lawyer.

He shook his head and left the house. Mom and I were left there, on the couch, clutching each other for comfort. "I know this is hard for you bubala. Just know that I'll always love you and support you. Even if your father leaves us, we'll make him pay." My mom smiled at me and brushed the tears off my face. "Just use protection of you ever decide to, well, you know."

I chuckled, shrugging my sobs away. "Then I guess we'll need to go to the store." I said jokingly despite my own father walking out on me. Mom laughed and went into the kitchen, probably to cook Ike and I breakfast. It was almost time for school already.

"Mom?" I walked into the kitchen slowly. "Can I call in sick today?" I really didn't feel like going to school after what happened. I felt sick, as if I was going to throw up. All these years, my dad supporting me in my opinions and my education. I thought he would be angry at me at first about how gay I was, but I didn't know he would leave. I'm not even sure if he's coming back.

"Okay, Bubby. Go get some rest and wake your brother up." She cooed.

"Alright mom." I agreed, sighing.

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