Chapter 6: Falling

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  I glanced at Kenny's locker as I passed by it in the hallway, continuing my walk to Lunch. Of course, the only people I knew who had the same lunch hour as me was Stan and Kenny. I could've  sat next to Wendy, but I didn't want to bring up the past. I hope Kenny didn't see me in the doorway. Or hear the door slam behind me when I left.

  Walking into the cafeteria I saw Stan. He was sitting at the popular table, tired and hungry. The girl next to him giggled every time he looked up at her, I could only assume that was his girlfriend.  I casually sat next to Kenny, he sat at a different table. He used to sit  with Stan, but ever since he got in a fight with one of the Jocks he decided it was best to just stay away from them.

"Hey." I said, setting down my paper lunch bag. I had to bring my own lunch. The cafeteria here doesn't have kosher options.

"Hey." Kenny mumbled, eating his reduced price lunch. We didn't talk for what seemed like forever, I didn't know what to say. Or at least... I didn't want to slip up and say something I shouldn't.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed. I dropped my sandwich in my lap. The mayo in the sandwich oozed out and onto my lap.

"I'll help you with that." The dirty blonde boy grinned, and grabbed a napkin. Wiping my lap clean.

I sat there wide eyed, not knowing what to say. My face turned red, what the hell does he think he's doing?

"Kenny?" I blinked, pausing in confusion.  "What the hell...?"

He winked, standing up to throw the napkin away.  My mouth was wide open, why did Kenny just help me? Why the hell did Kenny essentially just rub my thighs? I looked up to see Stan at the popular table, staring in shock. I looked away, I don't need him.


  Somebody tapped my shoulder as I left the school building. Quickly, I turned around. When I saw that it was only Kenny, I sighed with relief.

"Don't scare me like that!" I punched his shoulder, jokingly.

"Can I walk home with you?" Kenny smiled. "It's on the way to my house, anyway."

"Sure." I nodded. At least I won't be alone, my normal walking buddy has always been Stan. But I guess some things change.

  We walked in silence down the street. It hasn't snowed yet today, but it was still really cold. I looked over at Kenny, he still didn't have a jacket. I bit my lip, should I give him my jacket? He's clearly cold. Slowly, I removed my orange jacket. "Kenny, take my coat. I have another one at home." I turned to him, holding the winter apparel out to my friend.

"Kyle, you don't have to do this I'm fine." Kenny shook his head. I furrowed my brow, and forcibly put my coat in his hands.

"Wear it." I growled. His eyes widened and he quickly put it on, putting up the hood and tightening it.

"Mmph, mmph." He said, voice getting muffled by the coat. I could only see his eyes and nose. We continued walking to my house. I smiled, now he can have an enjoyable winter. Just like the good old days.

"Y'know Kenny-" Suddenly, I fell. Everything felt like it went in slow motion, my hands out in front of me to try to brace myself. Right before I prepared myself for impact, I felt a pair of strong hands at my sides. I opened my eyes, scared.  I could hear Kenny's breaths, and nothing else.

"Kenny..." I said, facing him. His arms now loosely draped around my sides as we both sat on the cold ground. I felt my face turn hot and red. Kenny's blue-green eyes stared deeply into mine. All I could see was him, he was all I heard.

  I embraced him tightly. He returned the favor even tighter. Smiling, I let go and stood up, helping him up too. I turned to continue walking with Kenny, only to see Stan standing there.

"K-Kyle" he started, before running in the other direction. I cringed, not knowing what to do. Stan just saw that happen. But does he even matter anymore? He didn't listen to me, why should I care what he thinks.

  Kenny reached out his hand to my own, I lightly held onto it. Feeling his warmth. I blushed, smiling and looking back up to the sidewalk. Suddenly, I realized what had happened.... I fell for the poor kid.

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