Chapter 5: Poor Kid

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When the covers are lifted for all the world to see, and the closet doors are opened... Secrets will be revealed and lives will be tarnished.


My phone went off, alerting me that it was time to get up. 7:00, as usual. I nudged Kenny's arm that was wrapped around me to wake him up. I cringed as I slowly scooted out of his grasp, him still loudly snoring. I grabbed my pants and coat and put them on. Still slightly damp, but that doesn't really matter. When I was ready to go, it was only 7:10. Kenny could sleep in for another ten minutes, and we'd still have time to stop by my house to get my backpack before school.

I silently left his room and crept into the small kitchen in their withered home. Kenny's little sister Karen was standing in the kitchen, reaching up for a box of pop tarts that she couldn't reach. I walked over to the open cabinet and grabbed the box of pop tarts and gave them to her without saying a word. She jumped in fear, but then realized that it was just me.

"Thank you for getting these down for me." She grinned, opening the box and popping one in the toaster. "So, you spent the night with Kenny?" She smiled.

"Yeah." I sighed. The pop tarts popped up and she sat down at the kitchen table. She took a bite of her breakfast, and motioned me to sit down.

"Are you boyfriends with Kenny?" She asked casually, keeping her eyes on me.

I felt my face get hot, "No. He's not my boyfriend." I sunk into the fold out chair slightly.

"Then why were you two cuddling and sleeping in the same bed?" She grinned, finishing up the first pop tart. She slid the strawberry breakfast treat across the table. "You want there other one? I'm not that hungry." I reached out to grab it, and she pulled it back.

"First, gimme the details!" Karen winked.

"Well, first off, I'm not gay." I put my hands on the table for emphasis.

"...Sure. My gaydar is the best in the 8th grade. I know when a guy likes dicks." She casually rolled her eyes and looked at the clock. "I gotta have something about me that people like, it's tough being the Poor Kid." Karen sighed and walked over to the couch, picking up her back pack and heading to the door. "I gotta go, seeya later butt monkey."

As soon as she left I grabbed the pop tart and shook my head. "Kenny has a strange family." I said out loud. Eating my breakfast, I glanced at the clock. "OH SHIT." I ran to Kenny's room and opened the door, he was changing.

"Um" I muttered awkwardly, standing in the doorway. I quickly closed the door, wide eyed and confused. That ass. But what about Stan? I casually walked down the hallway, and soon I was out of his house.

Casually, I walked to to the bus stop without my backpack. Nobody was there except me. I breathed out heavily and relaxed my body for the first time since I woke up.

"God damn." I breathed.

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