Chapter 12

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Svel’s PoV

Once Itachi and Kisame had left, everything felt different.  Work began to pick back up after a day of so.  Henry appeared again. 

On the fifth day of work, everything was busy. 

“Hey, doll face.”  Henry said once I had gotten off of work. 

Listen Henry, I'm not looking for a man right now, you should just give up.”  I looked into his eyes.  He smiled broadly. 

“That’s good to hear.”  He said as he grabbed onto my shoulders suddenly.  I tried to step back, but he held me in place. 

What’s wrong with you?”  I asked as I reached into his mind. 

“No, not this time.”  He blocked me out somehow.  I could feel myself slipping into sleep suddenly.  I blinked, but my eyelids were too heavy to open back up. 

Henry’s PoV

“No, not this time.”  I could sense her in my mind and stopped her from triggering me to fall asleep. 

I looked into her eyes deeply.  Her mind was twisted, and I easily found the spot to send her to sleep.  She tried to blink away the sleep, but her eyes didn’t open back up.  One of the other waitresses walked out of the door and looked at me like I was crazy. 

“Long day.”  I said as Svelpia went limp in my arms.  The waitress nodded her head and walked away.  I pulled her into my chest, just like I did when we were little. 

Svel’s PoV

My favorite brother, Dakota, hugged me tightly. 

“What happened?”  He soothed me calmly.  I was seven and he was eleven. 

“Being a ninja is scary!”  I squealed into his chest.  He chuckled softly. 

“You’ll get used to it.”  He said as he stroked my hair. 

“But, you has to hurt peoples!”  I said.  I was a calm little kid that avoided pain. 

“Or they’ll hurt you.”  He said coldly.  He was the same rank as me. 

“But I did nothing wrong to them!”

“Still, you’ll be hunted down.”  MY head shot up at this.

“What!?  Why?”  I tried to remember what all I had done wrong in my seven years of life.  “I'm sorry; I knocked over the pickle jar!”  I squealed into his chest.  He chuckled some more and pulled me out of his chest. 

“No, it’s our blood.”  He was starting to scare me. 

“Why, what does it have in it?”  I asked. 

“Nothing but power.”  He stated.  His eyes got distance when he said this.

“Is she awake yet?”  Someone complained near my head.  I opened my eyes, but couldn’t see anything.  My mouth felt dry from something being in it.  I screamed into the sock, making someone jump next to me. 

“Yep, she’s awake.”  A calmer voice said on the other side of me.  I was about to create some shadow fire and free yourself, but then I realized that my hands were tied tightly to my chest. 

“Can we let her see now?”  The voice that had complained asked. 

“No!  She could put you in a coma easily.”  The calmer voice was startled. 

“Shouldn’t that be my call?”  An older voice asked from behind me. 

“Yes, sir, but I know what she can do.”  The calm voice was harsh.  Suddenly, I remember where I heard the old voice from. 

“Run!”  My mother had screeched at me as she knocked away another volley of kunai. 

“What’s going on?”  I asked in a startled tone.  Blood was running down her face.  Her fingers fumbled with her choker. 

“Here.”  She mumbled out as she wrapped it around my neck.  She grabbed onto my hand and dragged me to the ancient portal hole. 

“No!”  I screamed as she made me stand in the middle and sank to her knees. 

A shadow kunai appeared in her hand and she slammed it into the ground in front of me.  Dakota fell to the ground right next to my feet as I began to hover in midair.  My mom smiled at me and waved goodbye.  A man appeared behind her and sliced her back, making her fall forward.

“Foolish woman.”  He chuckled as he turned on Dakota.  Tears began to stream down my face as I watched him walk towards Dakota and was about to slash at his back, but I appeared somewhere else.

Tears were running down my face once I was back in the present.  I bit my lip, making a trail of blood slowly make a line down my face.  I jerked my head down, trying to hide my face from the strange men. 

“What is she doing?”  The voice that had complained asked. 

“Calm down, you’re save now.”  The calm voice soothed as a gentle hand grabbed onto my chin and brought my face up.  Zara and Zeon reacted instantly and slithered towards his hand.  He held his hand there.  The two snakes slithered onto his hand, but the hand didn’t move.  The hand pulled away and grabbed onto both of the snakes.  “There we go.”  He said as I heard Zara hiss in pain. 

Don’t hurt her!”  I sent as my head jerked forward.  Someone walked out of the room. 

“There, she’ll be easier to control now.”  The calm voice said. 

“Good, take the blind off of her.”  The old voice ordered.  The gentle hands removed the blind, but not the gag.  A man with graying hair had a mask on, covering his eyes, but the younger man didn’t have a mask on.  I reached into his mind, but he easily kicked me out.

“That’s not a nice thing to do.”  The young man said in the calm voice.  He had black eyes, which looked like he didn’t have a soul, and jet black hair. 

“Great, now what do we do with her?”  The complaining voice asked as he walked in with a mask on also. 

“Treat her like a little princess.”  The young man said as he smiled at me. 

“Good luck with that.  We’ll be outside if you need us.”  The old man said as he walked outside with the other man following. 

“Thanks, can do.”  The young man said as he pulled out a chair and sat in it.  He just stared at me.  I began to wriggle under his gaze.  “Oh sorry, forgot about that.  It’s just that I haven’t seen you in forever.”  He said as he leaned in close.  “Okay, maybe not forever, just a really long time.”  He kept talking.  I reached into his mind a few times, but he rejected me instantly.  “Would you please stop, that’s getting annoying.”  He said as he slapped me across the face softly, but I got the point.  “I'm sorry!”  He said as he rubbed my cheek where he had slapped me.  His eyes shot me a memory suddenly. 

Dakota?”  I barely got out.  A huge smiled spread across his face. 

“Yes!”  He said as he jumped up, making the chair fall to the ground.  “I was hoping that you would have noticed at the restaurant, but that didn’t work.”  He took the gag out of my mouth and untied me quickly. 

But, I watched you die.”  I sent firmly.  He hugged me tightly. 

“No, I managed to stop him.”  He squeezed my.  I patted his back as he cut off my air from the hug and continued to enjoy my brother’s warm embrace. 


Not what you were expecting, huh? 

So, yeah.  I don’t think there are that many more chapter to this story.  Maybe a few more?

This is the possibility of a sequel, but I really don’t have time to write it and I’m just not that into this character any more.

VOTE and COMMENT if you were surprised by the ending!

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