Chapter 05

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I was stressed out from work and Itachi and Kisame.  Swiftly, I brought the sandwich up to my mouth, ready to take a bite.  The food disappeared from my hand as Kisame snatched it from me and ate it quickly.  The fridge was empty, again.  Itachi had to go to the grocery store everyday now.  Kisame hadn’t gained any weight, but seemed to get more and more hyper.  I dashed out of my house.

“No, where are you going?”  Kisame called out as he ran after me. 

He stopped at the door as I ran to the training grounds.  I had been doing this very often seemingly.  Sasuke had been meeting me there.  We wouldn’t talk, he would just stare into my eyes and try to figure out who I was.  I, on the other hand, would go through his mind, looking through all that he had learned that day.  He was there early today, looking worried.

“You finally made it.”  His eyes landed on my neck.  My hand flew to my neck, and I could feel my necklace that I always wore.  “I’ve been looking for you.”  He said as he hugged me. 

Something’s wrong.  I thought as I pulled away.  He had never tried to hug me before, only accepting my hugs. 

“The Hokage needs to see you.”  He said as he grabbed onto my hand and tried to pull me towards the main office.  I froze up, making it where he wasn’t moving me at all.  He looked back at me.  “Come on.”  He said as he jerked at my arm. 

It had been a key point in my stay at the Leaf to avoid the Hokage and all of the other ninjas.  Tongues of shadow fire appeared on my hand as I rejected the thought of being forced to do something.  Sasuke screamed out in pain as it burned his hand.  I looked down at him in confusion, and then realized what I had done. 

“I’m so sorry!”  I cooed, soothing him.  I let go of his hand and the flames disappeared.  His hand was completely black.  I placed my hand around his and began to heal it.  He sighed as I finished.

“She just needs you to heal someone for her.”  He said as I finished. 

Someone appeared behind me.  The person grabbed onto my arms and twisted them behind me, snapping my right wrist.  I let out a squeak in pain as the man from the restaurant pushed my arms further up.  I wasn’t a master at Taijutsu, at all.  If I tried to attack him with my broken wrist, the whole area would probably be set ablaze. 

“Come along.”  The man said in my ear. 

A tear ran along my face as he forced me to follow Sasuke.  They led me to an area of the village that I had never been in.  A huge hospital looking building swallowed all of us.  A few doctors and nurses then led Sasuke to a room.  A lady with huge boobs was in a room that I was forced into.  Her golden eyes caught me off guard. 

“Ah, you found her.”  She smiled at Sasuke.  Sasuke shot me a guilt look which I returned with a glare.  “Now, heal them up.”  She ordered me.  The man pushed me forward gently.  I held onto my broken wrist in my left hand, healing it.

Why should I?’  I asked her harshly.  My eyes skimmed over the men.  They were the men that had assaulted me in the alley. 

“You hurt them, you heal them.”  She said as I took in my work.  Their stomachs were all covered in the shadow burn. 

They deserve to die.’  I sent to her alone in more of a whisper.  The man that had broken my wrist shifted his weight.  His white hair reminded me of the incident at the restaurant.  It was him! 

“No, they don’t.”  The lady said as she popped her fingers.  Shadow fire began to surround my hands.  Her hand suddenly began to glow blue and she pressed her hand against my neck, making me fall to the ground.  “Now, heal them.”  She said in a fiercer voice. 

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