Chapter 04

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The weekend went by slowly.  I went out to the training grounds a lot.  Kisame would be the same nervous wreck.  I would explain to him that I had gone to relax, and Itachi would ask a question about my training that he had to find out by being there himself. 

When I could finally go to work, I was overjoyed.  Kisame pleaded me not to leave, but I said I had to and managed to escape.  Work went by smoothly, nothing different happened, and I talked my manager into letting me work a little later.  When the place closed for the night, I walked home, trying not to think of Kisame waiting for me. 

“Come here.”  Someone grumbled in my ear as a rough pair of arms wrapped around my mouth and throat.  The hands dragged me through an alley and let go.  Seven men surrounded me, including the one that had grabbed me earlier. 

“Give us all your money!”  One of them yelled. 

“No, take your clothes off!”  A bigger man demanded. 

They all took a step towards me, making me fell like a cornered piece of meat that was thrown to the dogs.  Shadows began to circle around me, but the approaching men didn’t notice.  The shadows made a circle around me and began to spin rapidly.  All of the men got hit by the shadows as they were near the circle.  Smoke flew up from all of them as the shadows did extensive damage.  I walked out of the alley calmly. 

The men would be found soon, I knew that. 

Their wounds wouldn’t be able to be healed by anyone other than me, I knew this also. 

The men would die from the burns and dark energy in less than a month with really good attention from anyone else, this worried me though. 

What if they recognized me?

I laughed at the stupid question; I wasn’t ever going to see them again.  My guest bedroom that I had been sleeping in had a light on.  I approached the door slowly.  Kisame was still hovering around the door as he waited for my arrival.  Itachi, on the other hand, was not in my house.  Stepping into my house, I braced myself for Kisame.  He didn’t leave me hanging as he pulled me into a crushing hug before carrying me in said hug over to the couch.    

“What happened?”  He asked as he sat down next to me, which was new.

What do you mean?’  I asked as he looked at me with concerned eyes. 

“Your dress, it’s cut in a few places and your chakra level is slightly lower than usual.”  He said as he grabbed onto a part of my dress near the bottom.  That’s when I took time to look over myself.  There were a few cuts along my dress, some showing my stomach and back. 

Whoops.’  My mind flew to the scene in the alley.  None of them had any kunai with them.  Sighing back at the memory, I deduced that the shadows were the sources of the cuts when I didn’t have total control over them. 

“You’re going to bed right now!”  He said as he pointed at my room.  My jaw fell to the floor.  He was acting more like a mother than an S-ranked rogue ninja. 

Yes, mother.’  I sent sourly as I walked to my room.  The closet light was on, not the lamp or overhead light.  My pajamas rested where they had been for the past few days.  After closing the windows, I started to change.  A warm hand landed on my shoulder as I was about to take off my bra.  ‘I swear if that is you, Kisame!’  My elbow itched to lodge itself into the pervert’s stomach.   

“Wow, not even close.”  Itachi stated in a calm voice by my ear.  The warmth of his breath made me shiver. 

Couldn’t it have waited until the morning?’  I looked around for something to cover myself up with. 

Twin Snakes (Itachi Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz